Scenario Book 1 (SFU)
SH61.0 Fleet of the Moment
by Jonathan D. Schuster
Previously published as "SL16.0 The Fleet of the Moment" in Captain's Log Issue 1.
In the early years of the General War, the large number of warships constantly on patrol made it hard for the Orion Pirates to maintain business as usual.
A prime example of this occurred in Y172, when an Orion raiding force, returning from Kzinti territory to their base, found themselves between Federation and Klingon squadrons preparing for a battle.
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SH65.0 Miner Smuggling
by Jeffrey L. Moore
Previously published as "SL17.0 Miner Smuggling" in Captain's Log Issue 1.
In Y180 non-Klingon slaves successfully mutinied on the mining planet K't'tothos IV. They offered an immense bribe to the Orion Pirates to transport them to Federation territory. While the former slaves had no money, they did have the secret of the DERFACS fire control system since they had produced and shaped the crystals that operated it. The slaves reasoned, and the Orions agreed, that the Federation would pay handsomely for this information. The slaves would receive the greatest reward—their freedom and well-paying jobs in Federation technology labs.
The Orions loaded the 300 surviving slaves into two Slaver class transports and headed for the border. A squadron of Klingon ISF gunboats set out to intercept them.