Template: RefSFUSH47

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Murgas, Andrew R. and Arthur Krull. "SH47: The Stasis Box." Scenario Book 1, Star Fleet Battles Module S1. SFB and F&E Designer Stephen V. Cole. SFB Executive Developer Steven P. Petrick. Published by John Olsen, Task Force Games. Produced by Tim Olsen, Task Force Games and Leanna M. Cole, Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. Task Force Games/Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. 1992. Originally published as "501: The Stasis Box" in Nexus Magazine Vol. 1 No. 2, June-July 1982 for the Star Fleet Battles Designer's Edition. Revised and republished as "SN2: The Stasis Box" in Star Fleet Battles Commander's Edition Update #2, 25 November 1988.