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Starfleet Academy

Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game
Released Sep 1999
Welcome to Starfleet Academy

The soul of Starfleet resides in the Academy... where young beings from many worlds are educated and trained to take up their roles in the vast organization that is Starfleet. From across the Federation they come, entranced by a sense of discovery, attracted by the challenge, drawn to the promise of adventure. Here, cadets learn the meaning of the words Honor, Truth, Duty. In the end, they earn the right to call themselves Starfleet officers — the finest men and women known to history. Now you can enter the Academy and experience for yourself what it takes to become a member of the Federation’s elite cadre.

Starfleet Academy includes:

Book One: The Academy Handbook

  • New character creation rules — the personality archetype.
  • Dozens of new traits
  • 15 devices used by cadets
  • 125 course descriptions from the Academy's curriculum
  • Starfleet Academy campus. Visit Kirk Hall and take the Kobayashi Maru test, or study warp dynamics at the Cochrane Building.
  • Over a dozen characters: Take a class on Klingon physiology with Professor H'okh; go on a field trip to the Sakathean Burial Mounds with Professor Novakovich; or get some sage advice from Boothby.

Book Two: Narrator's Guide

  • Advice for Narrators on running an Academy-based series. Now, your Star Trek: The Next Generation games don't have to start with your first tour of duty.
  • Two complete adventures.

Book Three: The Cadet's Guide to Sector 001

  • Detailed description of the Sol system from Pluto Station and the Academy Flight Range to the Martian colonies and New Berlin
  • Details of Earth, where your cadet will live and work for four years. Drop by Chez Sandrine for a drink, or Sisko's Creole Kitchen for some etouffee (or tube grubs). Take in the sights of San Francisco, London, Paris, and Sydney (to name a few).

PLUS two double-sided, full color maps, including the Sol system, the Academy campus, the Moon and Mars, and Academy uniforms!

Survival Test

"Survival Test" is a scenario set against cadet training away from the Starfleet Academy campus. In this episode the cadet Crew undergoes a survival test. The cadets travel to an alien planet, where their instructor drops them off and expects them to survive for three days using the skills they developed in class and simulation. This serves as the final exam for the Academy course STAR 104 Planetary Survival.

The episode starts with the cadets practicing on a holodeck aboard the U.S.S. Fearless, the vessel transporting them to Aldos II, a planet near the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone. Their practice session ends abruptly when they arrive in the planet's orbit.

The cadets board a shuttle to take them to the planet's surface, giving them a chance to test their piloting skills along the way. Shortly after leaving the Fearless, a Cardassian warship attacks and severely damages the shuttle. The Cardassians move on to attack the Fearless, leaving the shuttle plunging into the atmosphere.

The resulting crash seriously injures the cadets’ instructor. They must survive in the hostile wilderness of Aldos II and fimd some way to send for help. Along the way, the cadets encounter a previously unknown lifeform on the planet and make peaceful contact with the Aldosians. They also discover a force of Cardassian militia on the planet apparently there to construct a secret base on Aldos, possibly a launching point for a new offensive against the Federation. The cadets must overcome the Cardassian defenses and escape the planet to warn Starfleet.

The Medusa Syndrome

"The Medusa Syndrome" is a Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game scenario set at Starfleet Academy. The player characters run students at the Academy who get involved in a situation in an effort to help their classmates — and of course to satisfy their desire for excitement and adventure (investigating a mystery is certainly more intriguing than studying) and their unquenchable curiosity.

The episode takes place in autumn, during the time leading up to the annual Sadie Hawkins Dance at the Academy (which occurs in early November). The dance, a long-standing Academy custom, turns the social tables by requiring women to ask men to the dance. The social interaction related to the dance can seem humorously awkward, and forms a subplot which the Narrator can use as he sees fit.

The return to campus of Professor Axander Moltros, a Centauran archaeologist who teaches at the Academy, sets the events of the episode in motion. He’s spent the better part of the past year directing an archaeological dig on Digrala Ill, where ruins indicate a once-powerful civilization existed. After months of intriguing discoveries, he’s returned with a piéce de résistance: a Digralan omphalos, an item of enormous cultural significance for the Digralans. He plans to display the omphalos, and several other choice artifacts, at the Academy while he studies them.

Unknown to Professor Moltros, the omphalos holds more than cultural significance. An alien energy being of great power and seemingly great malevolence has lived inside it for years — trapped there perhaps by the decline of the Digralan civilization and thus a lack of sustenance. Now that Professor Moltros has brought its “house” to a place with plenty of corporeal beings for it to "feed" off of, it fully awakens and begins to make up for lost time.

The first hint of trouble on campus occurs when a student — perhaps a Crew member — wakes up one morning unable to move! Her neurological functions appear highly abnormal; somehow an unusual enzyme has infiltrated her system, rendering her partially paralyzed. Naturally this terrifies her; fortunately, medical officers indicate her condition is temporary. Sure enough, after a few days the enzyme disappears from her system and she recovers the use of her limbs.

That's not the last of this strange incident. Other students, all women, experience the same malady. The situation baffles doctors, who can’t figure out how the enzyme enters the body or exactly how it affects the nervous system’s functions. Wild rumors sweep the campus about what's going on and what's about to happen.

This situation attracts the Crew members' attention, particularly if the disease affects one of their number, and they begin to investigate. They can talk to the doctors, scan the campus with tricorders, or interview subsequent victims. Sooner or later, though, their investigation leads them back to the omphalos. When they begin scanning it, the energy being flees.

If the Crew members think they've chased the threat away, they're in for a rude awakening. The day after they discover it exists, the being attacks another student, but in a much more brutal fashion. The lifeform raises the odds, and the Crew must respond in kind. Armed with what they’ve already learned and working with additional data gained from the latest attacks, they can direct their investigation down new, more profitable paths. They eventually find a way to track the creature, confront it, and discover its weaknesses. As they press their investigation, the being attacks them, but they obtain the data they need to defeat it once and for all.

Using the latest information, the Crew members construct a weapon, device, or trap to capture or destroy the creature. A final, dangerous confrontation follows, from which the Crew should emerge triumphant if they’ve done their background work well. Now all they must worry about is the Sadie Hawkins Dance.


Ross A. Isaacs, Steve Kenson, Steve Long, Don Mappin, Peter Schweighofer, John Snead

Peter Schweighofer

Star Trek: The Next Generation Line Developer
Ross A. Isaacs

Icon System Design
Christian Moore, Steve Long, Ross Isaacs, Ken Hite

Janice Sellers

Production & Additional Contributions
Christian Moore, Charles Ryan

Graphic Design
Anthony N. Vayos

Art Direction
Matthew Colville

Maps & Cartography
Charles Ryan

Original Art
Joe Corroney, Anthony Hightower, Steve Kurth, Terry Pallot, Walter Velez

Product Development, Paramount
Chip Carter

Proofreading and Fact Checking
Bill Maxwell