Nexus Issue 2 (Magazine)

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Nexus #2
Issue #2 Cover

Issue #2 Cover
Published by Task Force Games
Released June-July 1982
SFU Timeline
(Star Fleet Universe Games)

He who travels changes only his skies, not his soul.

Ever since the legendary Icarus took to the skies on his wax and feather wings, Man has desired to fly. And for nearly as long, he has wanted to expand that flight to the planets and the stars beyond. With that in mind, it is not surprising that the highly popular Starfire was featured in this issue.

Doubtless, Horace’s quotation will still apply when Man changes not merely his skies but his planets. It seems that a part of the human soul is rooted in conflict; and so, when Man goes to the stars, warfare seems destined to follow. Thus, Starfire (and the Star Fleet Universe) deals with warfare.

Along with the focus on Starfire, there was a section on Star Fleet Battles (including a new scenario and information on Klingon battlecruisers) as well as reviews of various games and information on Armor at Kursk and Warsaw Pact.


Publisher: Allen D. Eldridge

Editor: Mike Joslyn

Associate Editor: R. Vance Buck

Associate Editor/Star Fleet Universe: Stephen V. Cole

Contributing Editors: Adam Mishcon, Steve Wilcox

Advertising Manager: Rick Buck

Circulation Manager: Lucretia Perritt

Art in This Issue: Cover, page 18, page 23 — Bill Keith Jr.;
Page 37 — Bill Haggart

Star Fleet Universe

  • The Next Frontier
  • Star Fleet Universe Questions and Answers
  • The Stasis Box: A New Scenario — Andrew Murgas and Arthur Krull
  • The Academy: A Unique Look at Star Fleet BattlesStephen V. Cole
  • Klingon Battlecruisers

501.0 The Stasis Box

by Andrew R. Murgas and Arthur Krull

In Y152, the Federation Destroyer Xerxes was on patrol along the Kzinti border. Surveying an asteroid field in disputed territory for mineral deposits, the Xerxes detected those peculiar sensor readings which indicate the presence of a stasis box. These boxes hold their contents in "time freeze" until they are opened. The box located by the sensors of the Xerxes could have been placed a month before by an Orion Pirate, or centuries earlier by a long-forgotten race. Its contents could be anything from a pirate's trove to the ultimate weapon. Whatever it was, it was worth bringing home. Upon reaching the vicinity of the box, however, the Xerxes encounted the Kzinti Light Cruiser Mystic, which was looking for the same box.

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The Academy

by Stephen V. Cole

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Klingon Battlecruisers

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