U.S.S. Carolina (24th Century)

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Centaur class (DS9 525)
Centaur class (DS9 525)

The Centaur class[1] Federation Starship Carolina was on active service in the late 24th century.[2] In the late 2370s, the Carolina was commanded by Captain Peterson; in 2377, Admiral Owen Paris ordered the ship to intercept a Ferengi D'Kora class marauder, which was interfering with the efforts of the Pathfinder Project to communicate with the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656.[3]


  1. "Articles of the Federation." Star Trek. Novel. June 2005. Pocket Books.
  2. Star Trek: Legacy. Game. 2006. Bethesda Softworks.
  3. "Inside Man." Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 252. Television. 8 November 2000.