Planetary Adventures, Volume I (LUG)

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Planetary Adventures, Volume I

Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game
Released Apr 1999
New Civilizations
Strange New Worlds
Fascinating Enigmas

Exploration is Starfleet's primary mission. Starships venture into uncharted regions of space, searching for new lifeforms and new civilizations, in the bold hope of establishing friendly relations. One week, you may be orbiting Ligon II, for delicate negotiations. The next, you might find yourself making first contact with a sentient star. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? One thing is constant: no matter where your duty takes you — you’re always in for an adventure.

Planetary Adventures provides Narrators with five ready-to-run adventures for their Star Trek: The Next Generation series. Return to the weapon world of Minos to delve further into its mysteries. Wander the colorful bazaars of Shirkahr on Vulcan. Or make a foray into the dangerous dark matter nebula Mar Oscura. Like the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series, with this book players can visit a new planet every week. A companion volume to Planets of the UFP: A Guide to Federation Worlds, this book gives players a complete picture of adventuring within the Federation.

Planetary Adventures includes:

  • Five complete adventures for Narrators to use as part of their ongoing series.
  • New species, technology and maps.
  • In "Ghosts of the Past," the Crew follows the path of the Enterprise-D, returning to Minos to explore the reason for the planet’s demise.
  • In "On the Edge of Night," the Crew must brave the dangers of a dark matter nebula and an exploding neutron star.
  • "The Enemy You Know" brings the Crew to Vulcan, and into the heart of Romulan intrigue.
  • "The Cradle Will Fall" returns to Aldea, where the Crew must confront a challenge that threatens this legendary planet of peace.
  • "Red Giant" takes the Crew under the skin of a dying sun to save a doomed people.

Long ago, the planet Minos gained fame and fortune as the Arsenal of Freedom, selling advanced weapons systems until the day those systems somehow turned on their makers and exterminated all life on the planet. Yet something still lives, after a fashion, on Minos, as the Crew discovers on a survey mission.

Starfleet sends the Crew on an expedition to Minos, with several of the Federation’s foremost scientists. While on the planet, they must face the remnants of Minosian weapons technology. Yet ancient technology is not the only thing confronting the Crew. Can they solve the mysteries Minos presents, and perhaps discover the truth behind the secret of the Omega Device?

On the Edge of Night

Stardate 48712.0: On a routine mission to rendezvous with the science vessel Tenebrae, the Crew receives a distress call from the very people they were sent to help. The Tenebrae lies powerless deep within the dangerous black nebula known as Mar Osura, where a neutron star rapidly builds towards cataclysmic explosion. The Crew must race against time to rescue the crew of the Tenbrae before it gets caught in the explosion of the neutron star.

What caused the catastrophic failure of the ship's power systems? Why are the survivors acting peculiarly? And are the two linked?

The Enemy You Know

Vulcan. Even the name conjures up images of oppressively hot deserts, rocky valleys and stark, towering mountains. While others on the ship attend a conference, the Crew enjoys a bit of shore leave — perhaps a visit to Mount Seleya, a tour of the Kolinahru Monastery, or an evening of fine dining on Vulcan mollusks and vintage Vulcan port.

Yet their vacation is cut short, as the Crew uncovers evidence of a Romulan spy network on Vulcan. They must team up with Agent Silak of the famous V'Shar intelligence bureau to find the spy and put an end to whatever nefarious plans he has in motion.

The Cradle Will Fall

Captain's Log
Stardate 54965.4: We are collecting information on gaseous anomalies near the Epsilon Mynos star system, home of the legendary world of Aldea. The Aldeans revealed their existence to the rest of the galaxy several years ago in an effort to save their population, which was slowly dying of radiation poisoning as a result of the shield which cloaked their planet from detection for generations. Although it is hoped that the advanced and peaceful Aldeans will join the Federation, several factions have arisen on the planet opposed to Federation membership, including rumors of a possible alliance with the Romulans. Starfleet Command has ordered all ships in the area to keep a close eye on anything unusual happening near Aldea.”

Return to Aldea, the planet long reputed to be myth and first seen in "When the Bough Breaks." A great deal has changed since Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D last visited this idyllic world, and Aldea stands poised on the brink of Federation membership. For years, Federation scientists have worked with the Aldeans to better understand their amazing technology. With the end of the Federation’s involvement with the planet, other powers stand poised to fill the void — Cardassia, Ferenginar and Romulus. Aldea must choose its fate soon.

On a routine patrol of the sector, the Crew receives a message from Aldea. Something terrible has happened on the planet, and the Crew must come quickly. What they find there could upset the delicate balance of power in the Alpha Quadrant, and perhaps alter the destiny of the Federation itself.

Red Giant

While on a deep space exploration mission, the Crew picks up a visual distress call from within the heart of a red giant star. Can the Crew make contact with the inhabitants and save them from a catastrophe that could doom this world?

It’s a race against time and despair involving ancient knowledge, Federation know-how, and the gifts of a vanished race. The combination leads the Crew into mystery, betrayal, and a possible new hope for a world given up for dead.


Jim Cambias, Richard Dakan, Kenneth Hite, Ross A. Isaacs, Justin Schmid, John Snead

Ross A. Isaacs, Peter Schweighofer, Steve Kenson

Additional Contributions
Christian Moore

Star Trek: The Next Generation Line Developer
Ross A. Isaacs

Janice Sellers

Graphic Design
Anthony N. Vayos

Layout & Typesetting
Alvaro Riet

Art Direction
Christian Moore, Ryan Moore, Matthew Colville

Maps & Cartography
Charles Ryan

Original Art
John Bridges, Steve Bryant, Paul Daly, John Grigni, Terry Pallot, Craig Skaggs

Product Development, Paramount
Chip Carter

Proofreading and Fact Checking
Bill Maxwell