U.S.S. Hammurabi NCC-4337 (FASA)

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Larson class[1]

The Federation Starship Hammurabi was a Larson class destroyer. The Hammurabi and the U.S.S. Troy NCC-4338 were both destroyed during the Four Years War while escorting a convoy of merchant ships bound for a frontier area in April 2254. During the battle seventeen freighters were destroyed, and four more taken as prizes by the Klingons. Of the five ships that survived the encounter, all reported that the Hammurabi destroyed two Klingon D-7 class cruisers and crippled two others before being destroyed itself.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Federation Ship Recognition Manual." Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game, Supplement 2302. Game. 1985. FASA.