U.S.S. Columbia NCC-621

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Myriad Universes: U.S.S. Columbia
U.S.S. Columbia

UFP Historical Society
Registry NCC-621
First Appearance ST01 (7 Dec 1979)
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

On Stardate 7410.2, the Federation Starship Columbia, a scout vessel,[1] was ordered to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Revere NCC-595.[2]

Ships Named Columbia

Prime Timeline

Columbia OV-102 (Space Shuttle)  • Columbia NX-02 (NX class)  • S.S. Columbia (Unknown class)  • U.S.S. Columbia NCC-621 (Unknown class)

FASA Timeline

Columbia OV-102 (Space Shuttle)  •  S.S. Columbia (Unknown class)  •  U.S.S. Columbia NCC-621 (Cygnus class)  •  U.S.S. Columbia NX-2002 (Excelsior class)

Myriad Universes

U.S.S. Columbia NCC-621 (Cygnus class)

Notes and References

  1. The vessel's name and registry were only spoken in dialogue in the film, and were taken from the Star Fleet Technical Manual. In the book, the ship was listed as a Cygnus class scout, a variant of the Hermes class.
  2. Roddenberry, Gene (Producer). Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Directed by Robert Wise. Story by Alan Dean Foster. Screenplay by Harold Livingston. Paramount Pictures. 7 December 1979.