18th Century (FASA)
From Trekipedia
Reference Stardate -3/0000 through -3/9900
- RSD -3/8704.12 (12 April): Vaonus of Calanista postulates that Remus is habitable, heralding the Age of Discovery. Although legends exist of life on other planets, this is the first time that scientific evidence is presented to support the legends and theories.[2]
- RSD -3/9212.24 (24 December): L'Tokus of Dinalla successfully launches a large, payload-carrying rocket into the upper atmosphere. Previously, rockets, though used in celebrations, rarely had been used militarily.[2]
- RSD -3/9701.15 (15 January): War breaks out between Dinalla and Timuraasz over the resources necessary for space travel. The war soon spreads to other places on Romulus, as no city-state dares allow others to gather the necessary resources for space travel, fearing the loss of military advantage. Up to this time, Dinalla and Timuraasz are the only two city-states that had managed to send anyone into space, though several others, most notably Labasasz and Caranam, are close to accomplishing space ventures.[2]