11001001 (Episode)

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"11001001" (TNG 116)

"11001001" (TNG 116)
Series Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season 1
Episode 15
Production Number 116
Release Date 1 Feb 1988

Stardate 41365.9: Bynars take over the Enterprise

The Enterprise visits Starbase 74 for an upgrade to the ship's computer — a task to be performed by the Bynars, a race that has grown so dependent upon computers that they work in pairs and communicate directly in a binary language. While the crew puts in for shore leave, Riker tries out a new holodeck program for a New Orleans jazz bar where he can play trombone. There, he meets Minuet, the most realistic holodeck character he's ever seen. Soon, Picard joins them, and he is amazed at the difference the Bynars' upgrade has made — Minuet is almost too good. They soon discover the reason why: the Bynars were using Minuet as a decoy, while faking a magnetic containment field breakdown to to empty the ship. The Bynars steal the Enterprise and warp off to their home planet, Bynaus.

Picard and Riker set the ship to self-destruct, but when they arrive on the bridge, they discover the Bynars are dying. They feared an electromagnetic pulse from a nearby nova would ruin their world's master computer, so they sought to "borrow" the Enterprise: the only mobile computer with enough memory, but the pulse has already hit. Now that that they understand the problem, Picard and Riker use the ship's computer to help rejuvenate the Bynars. When the situation has passed, Riker discovers that Minuet is gone, and can't be re-created.

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