Early Years Era (SFU)
From Trekipedia
Y79 to Y119
- The Tholians arrive in the Milky Way galaxy, settling in the tip of the same spiral arm that is home to the Klingons. Although the region had been explored and claimed by the Klingons[1] a few years earlier,[2] and they had set up a few minor colonies,[1] no Klingon ships were present at the time, so the Tholians remained undetected.[2]
- The Federation launches the first of the Republic class cruisers and begins refitting the older Province class cruisers with tactical warp drive.[2]
- At this time, most empires have developed tractor beams that can function in a 360° arc, though the range is still limited to 10,000km. Also at this time, most are able to extend the range of their transporters to 20,000km. The Gorn do not reach these technological goals until Y90, however, and the Romulans do not until the Treaty of Smarba in Y159.[2]
- The First Klingon-Kzinti War ends, with the Klingons capturing three key planets.[1]
- The Tholians make first contact with the Klingons[1] and establish the borders of the Holdfast,[2] sparking the first of several vicious border wars, which lasts for two years.[1] The Klingons suffer heavy losses, and the Tholians wipe out three Klingon colonies, the largest of which, Kalesta, was intended as a jumping-off point for a conquest of the Romulans. The Klingons will forever after regard the Tholians as "foreign invaders," and the shame of having part of the Empire occupied by a foreign power stains the honor of the warrior class forever after.[2]
- Federation Marine Major General Kripney delivers the famous report, "Case for Primary Contact Action Teams in Novel Contact Environments" to Star Fleet Command.[1]
- The Long Lance (type III) drone enters service.[2]
- Having defeated the Kzinti, the Klingons attack the Hydrans, sparking the Second Hydran-Klingon War, which the Klingons refer to as the War of Retribution, and the Hydrans call the War of Infamy. The Lyrans attack the collapsing Hydran border, sparking the Third Hydran-Lyran War, taking advantage of the weakening of the Hydran defenses in the wake of the Klingons' attacks.[1]
- In the Federation, Tumball Massi is placed in charge of the Primary Contact program; this is the gensis of the later Prime Teams.[1]
- The Tholians make first contact with the Federation.[2]
- Ground breaking ceremonies for the Cultural Indoctrination Center and for the Prime Central facility are held on the Moon.[1]
- First contact occurs between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets, although the Federation worlds were aware of the Klingons due to earlier encounters by the Vulcans. The Klingons — already embroiled in a war with the Hydrans, a border conflict with the Tholians, and watching the Kzinti border for renewed hostilities — decide not to provoke this new adversary, but instead send Klingon civilians and diplomats to hold trade negotiations and discuss cooperation treaties. The initial friendly terms last for several years, but become increasingly strained as both sides establish colonies in strategic locations in the relatively unexplored territory between the two powers.[2]
- The Gorn successfully blockade the Paravian homeworld, destroying all orbital and space-related facilities, and begin hunting down all surviving Paravian ships. Some Paravians escape to the Omega Octant. The Gorn are unwilling to annex the Paravian territory, however, and instead set up a Trusteeship Zone; in theory, this territory will be returned to the Paravians once they agree to peacefully coexist.[2]
- Klingon forces destroy the Hydran fleet and colonies, committing many atrocities in the process. All Hydran ships larger than police corvettes are destroyed, and the Hydran Kingom is reduced to a Klingon client state. The Klingons establish governors over Hydran planets, but due to the difference in atmospheres, they are restricted to orbiting satellite bases and never able to effectively control the populace directly.[1]
- The First Federation-Kzinti War erupts when the Kzinti attack.[1] The Klingons provide the Federation with useful intelligence and tactical advice, and for a few years Klingon officers are even honored guests aboard Federation cruisers fighting the Kzinti. The Klingons, however, expect to eventually fight the Federation, just as they have fought all of their neighbors, but a lack of bases and supply outposts along the Federation border, coupled with continued hostilities with their other neighbors, would make an attack on the Federation inadvisable at this point.[2]
- Under a great deal of pressure, the Federation Council agrees to allow each member planet to keep a squadron of older ships — refitted with tactical warp drive, phasers, and photon torpedoes — for use as system defense pickets. By Y113, these squadrons will evolve into the Federation National Guard.[2]
- The Second Klingon-Lyran War begins due to arguments over how to divide the Hydran Kingdom. In the confusion, the Hydran colonies Altroth, Minxitith, and Krooth are never found or occupied by the Klingons or Lyrans. The Hydran merchant guilds maintain the monarchy through Prince S'Lenthna, last heir of Hydraxan IX, though they hold all real power and keep the prince as a figurehead to rally the Hydran people. They begin converting merchant shipyards to produce new warships.[1]
- The Romulans develop new plasma weapons and an early version of the cloaking device.[2]
- The Kzinti capture several Federation planets.[1]
- The Romulans attack the Tholians[1] in order to test their new weapons,[2] but abandon the "First Romulan-Tholian War" in less than a year,[1] as victory over the Tholians was never their real objective.[2]
- The Third Gorn-Romulan War begins with a Romulan attack.[1] The Romulans, with their new technology, drive deep into Gorn territory, despite serious disadvantages in direct combat. Over the next 35 years, the Romulans will plunder their own resources in funding wars of aggression using inferior ships, reducing the Empire to near poverty.[2]
- Civil wars erupt in the Hydran "Lost Colonies"[2] as Prince S'Lenthna tries to break the merchant guilds' power.[1]
- The Klingons and Lyrans settle their differences through negotiation, which the Klingons embrace because they plan to rid the galaxy of the "Tholian Menace."[1] The Klingons and Lyrans become firm allies over the next decade.[2]
- The Federation begins a counter-offensive to regain Kzinti-occupied territory.[1]
- The Romulans make their greatest gains into Gorn territory as the Gorn rush the first of their new tactical warp cruisers into service.[2]
- The Great Klingon-Tholian War begins;[1] it lasts ten years and accomplishes nothing.[2]
- The First Federation-Kzinti War ends, with the Federation frontier re-established at its original location,[1] creating a temporary border zone.[2]
- A Federation Primary Contact Team — the Wraiths — encounter energy creatures on Vetrised IV.[1]
- The last known battle between Gorn ships and Paravian raiders occurs at this time outside of the Blockade.[2]
- Extended range drones enter service.[2]
- A Sun Snake plunges into the Paravians' home star, causing it to go nova, effectively driving the Paravian species to extinction within the Alpha Octant. The Gorn are overcome with shock, shame, and guilt.[2]
- The Star Fleet Marine Corps and Federation Merchant Service are formally brought under the umbrella of Star Fleet Command.[1]
- The Third Gorn-Romulan War ends[1] as the Gorn drive the Romulans back to the original border and, suffering from guilt over the fate of the Paravians, refuse to advance beyond it. The Romulans continue their attacks, raids, and harassment along the border at varying levesl for the next 24 years, often blaming the attacks on "privateers," denying that they were sanctioned by the government.[2]
- The Klingons attack the Tholians' adopted homeworld. While causing significant damage, they are unable to destroy it, and are forced to withdraw.[1]
- At this time, most races are able to extend the range of their transporters to 30,000km.[2]
- The Klingons abandon the Great War against Tholians.[1]
- Noting the problems of an undefined Klingon border, the Federation Council declares the border of the Federation to be 4,750 parsecs from the center of the Primary Member Zone (an area that will later be known simply as “the capital”). This declaration is announced as a great peacemaking effort, in that the Federation will not attempt to control territory beyond this limit. The limit, defined by the distance from the capital to the Romulan Neutral Zone, includes territory occupied by the Kzinti and disputed by the Klingons, neither of which is impressed with Federation diplomatic statements.[2]
- Federation Primary Contact teams are officially renamed Prime Teams, a designation they have carried unofficially for several years.[1]
- The Second Klingon-Kzinti War begins.[1]
- A series of incidents on the Federation-Klingon "border" begins with the declaration by the Federation; the frequency increases over the next six years.[2]
- The Gorn Confederation is the last major empire to extend the range of its transporters to 30,000km. The Romulans still do not have transporter technology.[2]
- The Federation colony on Aberdeen III is found to be completely abandoned under mysterious circumstances that are never explained.[1]
- The Kzinti win the Second Klingon-Kzinti War and regain the planets.[1] They immediately launch an attack on the Carnivons. Sensing the weakness of the Carnivons, the Lyrans attack them as well. Over the next few years, the Carnivons are defeated decisively and annihilated. While rumors of surviving Carnivons will continue for a century, no confirmed contact is ever made and the species is presumed to be extinct.[2]
- The Second Kzinti-Lyran War begins when a Kzinti strike cruiser destroys a Lyran exploration ship. The Lyrans claim a moral outrage over the attack, but ignore the fact that their "exploration ship" was exploring Kzinti territory[1] (albeit just liberated from the Carnivons)[2] for new colony sites.[1]
- The First Federation-Klingon War begins with a Klingon attack[1] on territory claimed by the Federation Declaration of 2502.[2]
- The Tholians capture disruptor technology from the Klingons in a daring raid. The Klingons are furious but unable to react[1] due to their new war with the Federation. The fact that the Tholians had weapons superior to the Klingons may have been the reason that the Klingons abandoned the war with the Federation so quickly.[2]
- The Romulan Senate votes to launch a new war against the Federation, but after the sudden death of [[Romulan Emperor (SFU)}Emperor]] Ramillius, the Senate reverses its decision and recalls the ships sent to the Federation border. At least one Federation ship is destroyed in a skirmish with the initial Romulan probes, but the Romulans withdrew before the Federation detected any Romulan attack and the ship (which was unable to transmit a warning) was written off as “fate unknown”. This is, much later, spoken of as “the forgotten war”.[2]
- The First Federation-Klingon War ends inconclusively[1] as the Klingons abandon their attacks and launch diplomatic protests over the new Federation border.[2]
- The planet Aurora III is colonized. To date, this system is the most coreward that the Federation has colonized.[2]
- The Federation completes the disbanding of the member worlds' "national" fleets as the Federation Star Fleet is completed.[1] When member planets stall on the mandated scrapping of their fleets, the Federation Council passes the Federation Defense Act, creating the National Guards of each planet. These are, officially, a reserve for Star Fleet, but this will not become fact for a generation. In the interim, each planet regards its National Guard as its defense against domination by other members of the Federation and for local defense (as some doubt that Star Fleet can or will protect every member planet equally).[2]
- Sixteen Orion ships and 9,000 skilled crewmen mutiny and disappear.[1] These actually go to secret Orion colonies in [[[Romulan Star Empire (SFU)|Romulan]] space and become the nucleus of the Orion Pirates.[2]
- The Second Kzinti-Lyran War ends.[1]
- The Klingon-Tholian "Incident" emphasizes border problems[1] and shows their conflict is not over.[2]
- In the Kzinti Civil War, the Usurper attempts to overthrow the Patriarch and fails. After his defeat, the Usurper flees to WYN Cluster.[1][2]
- Orion Pirates are in widespread operation[1] and begin eliminating or co-opting non-Orion pirates who had been in operation for decades.[2]
- The Romulans replace the masking device with the improved veiling device and they develop mauler technology.[2]
Notes and References
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 Olsen, Timothy D. and Mark Costello. Prime Directive: The Star Fleet Universe Role-Playing Game. SFB Universe created by Stephen V. Cole. Cover by David Menehan. Back Cover by David Martin. Logo art by Michael Winterbauer. Interior art by Greg Breault, Dan Carroll, Brent Ferguson, Darla Hallmark, David Martin, and Jim McGonigle. Computer art and maps by Stephen V. Cole. Task Force Games. 1993.
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 Thompson, Jonathan M. Prime Directive: Roleplaying in the Star Fleet Universe, d20 Edition. Additonal material by Stephen V. Cole, Gary Plana, Matthew Francois, Loren Knight, and Alex Chabot. Edited by Steven P. Petrick, Ken Burnside, and Leanna M. Cole. Cover by Eric Lofgren. Illustrations by Alvin Belflower and Dale McKee. Computer graphics by Ted Geibel, Ken Burnside, and Steven V. Cole. Deck plans by Nick Blank. Some background elements originally created for the first edition of Prime Directive by Timothy D. Olsen and Mark Costello. Developed by Ken Burnside, Andrew Palmer, John Hall, and Doug E. Lampert. Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. 2 November 2005.