Cyrano Jones

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Myriad Universes: Cyrano Jones
Cyrano Jones
Cyrano Jones (TOS 42)

Cyrano Jones (TOS 42)
Species Human
Sex Male
First Appearance TOS42 (29 Dec 1967)
Portrayed by Stanley Adams
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

Cyrano Jones was an independent trader in the 23rd century. On Stardate 4523.3, Jones attempted to sell tribbles as pets on Station K-7, but the animals soon overwhelmed the station and the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. When an incident with the Klingons at the station was resolved, Jones was forced by Enterprise Captain James T. Kirk to remain on K-7 until he was able to help remove the infestation.[1] By Stardate 5392.4, in his desperation to remove the tribbles, Jones stole a genetically-modified tribble predator — a glommer — from the Klingons, and the Enterprise was forced to intervene on his behalf.[2]

Cyrano Jones (TAS 01)

Cyrano Jones (TAS 01)

Notes and References