U.S.S. Perry NCC-303 (SFU)

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U.S.S. Perry
Registry NCC-303
Class Burke
First Appearance Nexus #8 (April 1984)
SFU Timeline
(Star Fleet Universe Games)

The Federation Starship Perry, a Burke class frigate, was originally commissioned as the Nimitz. The ship was renamed when the strike carrier U.S.S. Nimitz NCC-1951, the first of the Nimitz class, was commissioned.[1]

Burke class vessels

SFU Timeline

 • U.S.S. Barry NCC-337  • U.S.S. Beaty NCC-308  • U.S.S. Bonham NCC-356  • U.S.S. Burke NCC-301  • U.S.S. Cetshwayo NCC-353  • U.S.S. Chadwick NCC-350  • U.S.S. Chaka NCC-352  • U.S.S. Churchill NCC-307  • U.S.S. De Gaulle NCC-311  • U.S.S. Degrasse NCC-345  • U.S.S. Detailed NCC-396  • U.S.S. Dewey NCC-344  • U.S.S. Donitz NCC-331 { • U.S.S. Doolittle NCC-341  • U.S.S. Drake NCC-305  • U.S.S. Dunnigan NCC-324  • U.S.S. Fletcher NCC-315  • U.S.S. Flying Cloud NCC-384  • U.S.S. Freyberg NCC-318  • U.S.S. Frobisher NCC-379  • U.S.S. Graf Spee NCC-313  • U.S.S. Guderian NCC-323  • U.S.S. Hardy NCC-338  • U.S.S. Harwood NCC-335  • U.S.S. Hillery NCC-391  • U.S.S. Hipper NCC-317  • U.S.S. Hornblower NCC-302  • U.S.S. Hosegawa NCC-348  • U.S.S. Jason NCC-343  • U.S.S. Jellico NCC-306  • U.S.S. John Paul Jones NCC-333  • U.S.S. Lehman NCC-326  • U.S.S. Kondo NCC-322  • U.S.S. Kripney NCC-388  • U.S.S. Langley NCC-360  • U.S.S. Langsdorff NCC-351  • U.S.S. Lehman NCC-310  • U.S.S. Livingston NCC-394  • U.S.S. Lutjens NCC-327  • U.S.S. Mallory NCC-332  • U.S.S. McCaffrey NCC-358  • U.S.S. McClusky NCC-342  • U.S.S. Montgomery NCC-328  • U.S.S. Moore NCC-357  • U.S.S. Moskva NCC-363  • U.S.S. Orde Wingate NCC-378  • U.S.S. Orient Express NCC-383  • U.S.S. Perry NCC-303  • U.S.S. Pony Express NCC-382  • U.S.S. Principe de Asturias NCC-364  • U.S.S. Reynolds NCC-354  • U.S.S. Richtofen NCC-365  • U.S.S. Rickover NCC-330  • U.S.S. Rommel NCC-336  • U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt NCC-309  • U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt NCC-312  • U.S.S. Sacagawea NCC-375  • U.S.S. Seguin NCC-355  • U.S.S. Senyavin NCC-347  • U.S.S. Shackleton NCC-380  • U.S.S. Shaw NCC-349  • U.S.S. Skorzeny NCC-387  • U.S.S. Smirnov NCC-340  • U.S.S. Spruance NCC-316  • U.S.S. Stanley NCC-393  • U.S.S. Suffren NCC-346  • U.S.S. Sulaco NCC-390  • U.S.S. Takagi NCC-304  • U.S.S. Tegethoff NCC-314  • U.S.S. Tensing NCC-392  • U.S.S. Togo NCC-334  • U.S.S. Richmond Turner NCC-377  • U.S.S. Ushakov NCC-325  • U.S.S. Villeneuve NCC-329  • U.S.S. St. Vincent NCC-320  • U.S.S. Wary NCC-395  • U.S.S. Wells Fargo NCC-381  • U.S.S. Yegorov NCC-339  • U.S.S. Yi Sun Sin NCC-319  • U.S.S. Roger Young NCC-389  • U.S.S. Zeppelin NCC-362  • U.S.S. Zhadanov NCC-321  • U.S.S. Zheng He NCC-376  • U.S.S. Zuiho NCC-361

Notes and References

  1. "Shipyard Report: Federation Ship Names": Eldridge, Allen D. (Publisher) Nexus, Issue 8. Editor: R. Vance Buck. Associate Editor/Star Fleet Universe: Stephen V. Cole. Cover by Norm Royal. Task Force Games. April 1984.