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An attempted rape (TOS05)

An attempted rape (TOS05)
First Appearance TOS05 (6 Oct 1966)
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

Rape was a crime of violence, where forcible sexual acts were committed by one person upon another. On Stardate 1672.1, a transporter duplicate of Captain James T. Kirk attempted to rape Yeoman Janice Rand.[1] On Stardate 3025.3, while on the amusement planet, Yeoman Tonia Barrows inadvertently brought into being a simulacrum of Don Juan, who attempted to rape her.[2] Bilar apparently raped Tula while under Landru's control during the Red Hour on Beta III. This seemed to be a common occurrence.[3] While under the influence of the Beta XIIA entity, Ensign Pavel Chekov attempted to rape Mara, a Klingon woman he'd captured.[4]



If you are a survivor of rape in the United States, help is available. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at


Notes and References