DCIDW Timeline

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DC0 Timeline

While travelling through time to their native 31st Century in the DC0 Timeline, the Legion of Super-Heroes were forced from the timestream into a new reality, which merged theirs with that of the Columbia Timeline. Meanwhile, that reality's crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was mid-transport, and materialized into the merged timeline as well. The two groups, which had, unknown to them, been protected from the changes to reality by Q, joined forces and overthrew Vandar the Stone, who in the DC0 Timeline became the villain Vandal Savage, while his counterpart in the Columbia Timeline became Flint the Immortal. The new timeline was formed when Vandar captured Q, and used his power to forge an empire that by the 23rd Century would be called the Imperial Planets.[1]

Notes and References