U.S.S. Bosch NCC-21035 (FASA)

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U.S.S. Bosch
Registry NCC-21035
Class Babcock
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

The Federation Starship Bosch was a Babcock class frigate.[1]

Babcock class vessels

FASA Timeline

U.S.S. Babcock  • U.S.S. Bosch NCC-21035

Notes and References

  1. Theisen, John A. (Author). Return to Axanar. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. FASA Book 2218. Based on a concept by L. Ross Babcock III. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh and Jane Bigos. FASA Corporation. 1986.