Hobus system (STO)

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Hobus system
Supernova (ST11)

Supernova (ST11)
Astrometrics Beta Quadrant, Hobus Sector

The star in the Hobus system[1] went supernova in 2387.[2] The first people to sound the alarm about the impending disaster were Nero, captain of the Narada, a mining vessel in the Romulan Mining Guild who was present in the system when the star began to show signs of instability, and Ambassador Spock, who had been observing the phenomenon from Romulus. While surveying the innermost planet in the system, the Narada detected trace amounts of iridium and deuterium, as well as large deposits of decalithium.[1] The star went supernova on Stardate 64390.1,[3] and the shockwave propagated through subspace,[4] destroying Romulus and Remus, killing billions.[2] The remaining core of the star, now a neutron star,[5] became known as the Hobus Cinder, while the expanding cloud of gas generated by the star's detonation became known as the Hobus Nebula.[6]

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