R'az (STO)

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R'az (STO: "Stop the Signal")

R'az (STO: "Stop the Signal")
Species Klingon
Sex Male
STO Timeline
(Star Trek Online MMORPG)

R'az was a Captain in the Klingon Defense Force. In 2409, he led a task force to defend a listening post in the Bomari system that was under attack by a Federation Starfleet vessel. When one of the Klingons was exposed as an Undine, he beamed to an Undine vessel hiding in the system. R'az immediately launched an attack on the Undine ship, and the Federation vessel that had been conducting the raid on the listening post joined in the battle. In honor of their victory together against a common foe, R'az permitted the Starfleet ship to leave the system unharmed, despite the fact that its crew had just destroyed the listening post.[1]

Notes and References