U.S.S. Gemini (FASA)

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UFP Historical Society
Class Libran
First Appearance SFC (1980)
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

The Federation Starship Gemini was a Libran class vessel, and was in service in the early 22nd century. In 2115, the Gemini, under the command of Captain Carlos Dos Passos, discovered a pair of planets in the Pyrimiis system that shared an orbit, but were on course to collide in 2129. Pyrimiis I and II, the only planets in the system, were populated by intelligent humanoids, with the inhabitants of the first world roughly equivalent to the Renaissance period on Earth, and those on the second world somewhat less developed. Both populations considered a close bond to exist between their worlds, and the first world's population, having recently invented the telescope, had been "eagerly viewing their solar neighbor." Despite Captain Dos Passos informing them of their worlds' fate, the populations refused to leave their homeworlds. On both planets, independent of one another, a religion had developed worshipping the union of the two planets, and the pending collision was seen by the natives as a final reunion of the two, and the greatest event in their history.[1]

Ships Named Gemini

FASA Timeline

U.S.S. Gemini (Libran class)

SFC Timeline

R.I.S. Gemini (Condor class)

STO Timeline

U.S.S. Gemini NCC-1790 (Gemini class)

Libran class vessels

FASA Timeline

U.S.S. Gemini •  U.S.S. Libran

Notes and References