U.S.S. Neptune (Defiant class)

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Defiant class[1]

The Federation Starship Neptune, a Defiant class escort, was commanded in 2376 by Captain Landwaring and was the flagship of Task Force Javelin, which was sent to locate the source of the Genesis Wave. The Neptune was last heard from in the Boneyard, where it discovered a derelict shuttlepod.[2] The Neptune later arrived, derelict and abandoned, at Myrmidon. Commander Beverly Crusher of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E took a skeleton crew over to the Neptune, where they were infected by an unknown life form that caused them to attack Myrmidon. The Enterprise transported the crew back aboard, and the Neptune was destroyed by the Genesis Wave.[3]


  1. "One Little Ship." Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 537. Television. 16 February 1998.
  2. "The Genesis Wave, Book One." Star Trek: The Next Generation. Novel. September 2000. Pocket Books.
  3. "The Genesis Wave, Book Two." Star Trek: The Next Generation. Novel. April 2001. Pocket Books.