U.S.S. Prometheus NCC-71201

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Nebula class[1]

The Federation Starship Prometheus, a Nebula class cruiser, participated in terraformer Gideon Seyetik's project to reignite the dead star Epsilon 119.[2] The Prometheus was destroyed in 2371.[3]


Named for the mythological Greek Titan who stole fire from heaven for the benefit of mankind.[4]


  1. Star Trek: Generations. Film. 18 November 1994.
  2. "Second Sight." Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 429. Television. 22 November 1993.
  3. "Starships." Star Trek Roleplaying Game, Book 4. Game. 2003. Decipher, Inc.
  4. "The Star Trek Encyclopedia." Book. 1997 (rev. ed.). Pocket Books.