S.S. Botany Bay

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Myriad Universes: S.S. Botany Bay
S.S. Botany Bay
S.S. Botany Bay (TOS24)

S.S. Botany Bay (TOS24)
Class DY-100
Commissioned c.1996
Status Abandoned (2267)


Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

In 1996, after the Eugenics Wars ended with the defeat of the "supermen," Khan Noonien Singh and 84 of his followers escaped in a DY-100 class vessel, the Botany Bay, placing themselves in cryogenic freeze in the hope of colonizing another world, though this fact was concealed from the general public.[1]

The Botany Bay was recovered near the Mutara Sector[2] more than 200 years later, in 2267, by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. The ship’s automatic systems attempted to revive Khan first, as he was the leader of the group, but malfunctioned in the process, forcing the Enterprise crew to intervene and save him. Captain Kirk intended to keep the other passengers in stasis until the Enterprise reached Starbase 12 with the Botany Bay in tow, but Khan defied security and transported back to the sleeper ship to revive his crewmates and begin an insurgency. Only 72 of Khan's people had survived, and 30 of them were women. The Botany Bay was discarded in deep space when Khan attempted to commandeer the Enterprise,[1] but a variety of belongings were retained, including a collection of classic books and a seatbelt, which found their way to Ceti Alpha V, where Khan and his people were exiled.[2]

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Notes and References