Category: Prime Timeline
From Trekipedia
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The Prime Timeline is the root of all other timelines in the multiverse.
The Prime Timeline is virtually synonymous with the concept of "canon" in Star Trek. It consists of all episodes and films not explicitly stated to have occurred in another reality.
Pages in category "Prime Timeline"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,699 total.
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- A Quality of Mercy (Episode)
- A6M Zero
- Abrahamic faiths
- Abrams
- absorption machine
- accretion disk
- Achilles (23rd Century)
- Achilles heel
- acid
- actinium
- Adam (Biblical)
- Adashake Center
- adrenal gland
- adrenaline
- Agmar
- ahn-woon
- Air Force Captain (TOS21)
- Air Police Sergeant
- Air Policeman
- Airlock Technician
- U.S.S. Ajax NCC-11574
- Akaali ship
- U.S.S. Akagi NCC-62158
- Akira class
- Hansen al-Salah
- Albatross (Episode)
- Aldebaran Colony
- Aldebaran shellmouths
- Aldebaran system
- Alden
- Edwin Aldrin
- Aleek-Om
- alert status
- Alexander Hamilton
- Alfa 177
- Alfa 177 canines
- Algira Sector
- Alice (Fictional)
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- alkaloid
- All Our Yesterdays (Episode)
- All Those Who Wander (Episode)
- Almatha Sector
- Alnitak system
- Alpha Carinae II
- Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Centauri system
- Alpha III
- Alpha Leonis system
- alpha particles
- Altair system
- Altair VI
- The Alternative Factor (Episode)
- aluminum
- Amazon University
- Ambassador class
- The Ambergris Element (Episode)
- American Continent Institute
- American Revolution
- americum
- Amok Time (Episode)
- amusement planet
- Anan 7
- anatomy
- And the Children Shall Lead (Episode)
- Brett Anderson
- Andoria
- Andorian Sector
- Andorians
- Andrea
- android body blanks
- android duplicator
- androids
- Andromeda galaxy
- U.S.S. Andromeda
- Angel One (Episode)
- angels
- angstrom
- Anij
- Antares type
- U.S.S. Antares NCC-501
- Anthony
- antibodies
- antigen
- antimatter
- antimatter pods
- antiprotons
- Apollo class
- Apollo program
- S.S. Apollo
- U.S.S. Appalachia NCC-52136
- Ed Appel
- The Apple (Episode)
- Robert April
- Sarah April
- arc minute
- arc second
- archaeology
- Archanis Sector
- Archanis system
- U.S.S. Archon NCC-189
- Archons
- Arcturus
- Areel Shaw
- Arena (Episode)
- argon
- Argona II
- U.S.S. Aries NCC-45167
- armor
- Neil Armstrong
- U.S.S. Armstrong NCC-57537
- The Arsenal of Freedom (Episode)
- S.S. Artemis
- asbestos
- Assignment: Earth (Episode)
- Assistant Engineer (TOS20)
- astatine
- asteroid
- asteroid field
- S.S. Astral Queen
- attorney
- audio receiver
- S.S. Aurora NC-17740
- autopsy
- auxiliary craft
- Avian Captive (TOS01)
- Axanar
- axe
- axon
- Ayelborne