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Myriad Universes: Balok
Balok (TOS03)

Balok (TOS03)
Portrayed by  • Clint Howard
 • Vic Perrin (Voice)
 • Ted Cassidy (Puppet Voice)
First Appearace TOS03 (10 Nov 1966)
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

In 2266, Balok was the commander of the First Federation Starship Fesarius. On Stardate 1512.1, Balok and the Fesarius encountered the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701, of the similarly-named United Federation of Planets.

Balok's puppet (TOS03)

Balok's puppet (TOS03)

Though the encounter began on a tense note, Balok—who initially used an intimidating-looking puppet that he described as "the Hyde to my Jekyll" while dealing with the Enterprise crew—soon discovered that the Enterprise crew was sincere in its claims of peaceful exploration, and opened a dialogue with Captain James T. Kirk. The Enterprise's navigator, Lieutenant David Bailey, volunteered to remain with Balok as an unofficial ambassador.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The Corbomite Maneuver". Star Trek, season 1, episode 10 (Production number 03). Directed by Joseph Sargent. Written by Jerry Sohl. Desilu Productions. 10 November 1966.