Magellan class (FASA)

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Magellan class
Magellan class (SFC)

Magellan class (SFC)
Commissioned 2040

The Magellan class space liner, with a capacity of 260 passengers and an advanced fission drive, entered service in 2040, and remained in service for nearly four decades. When the class first started service as a luxury spaceliner, the travel time among the planets was measured in weeks, so the class was designed with all the amenities of comfortable long-duration travel. Its level of excellence set a standard which even the galactic starliners of the 23rd century were hard-pressed to equal. The class was removed from service in 2079.[1]

Magellan class interior (SFC)

Magellan class interior (SFC)

Length 100 m
 •  Engine Section: 38.2 m
 •  Passenger Section: 58.2 m
Diameter 30.9 m
 •  Engine Section: 18 m
 •  Passenger Section: 16 m
Mass 2 million kg
Fuel Capacity 1.1 million kg
Crew 30
Passengers 260
Range 800 million km (Earth to asteroid belt)
Velocity 50,000 m/sec
Engines Multi-Configured Advanced Fission
Typical Voyage Length 3 weeks
Passenger Accommodations  •  3 dining rooms
 •  2 nightclubs
 •  1 theater/auditorium
 •  Low-grav gymnasium
 •  Rear stellar observatory

Magellan class vessels

FASA Timeline

U.N.S.S. Magellan  •  U.N.S.S. Prince of Wales

Notes and References