U.S.S. Ranger (First Splinter)

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U.S.S. Ranger
Nebula class (ST07)

Nebula class (ST07)
Class Nebula
Status Destroyed (2380)
First Splinter Timeline
(Split from the Columbia Timeline during the events of First Contact)

The Federation Starship Ranger[1] was a Nebula class cruiser. Upon completion of a mission to deliver scientific equipment, Lieutenant Alec convinced the captain to allow the conversion of the empty mission pod into a zero-g soccer field. Following a weeklong series, the scientists from Glasgow University dominated, although Doctor Wilkie managed to fracture his ankle in a 3-0 win over Engineering.[2] In 2380, Captain Pachal was killed while fighting the Borg, and the first officer, Commander Jennifer Nero assumed command. Other crew members included Operations Manager Schultheiss, Helmsman th'Fairoh, and Tactical Officer Ankiel. When its sister ships, the Akira class U.S.S. Constant and the Centaur class U.S.S. Arimathea were destroyed by the Borg while defending Khitomer, Commander Nero ordered the ship to ram the cube, destroying both vessels and saving the colony below.[3]

Notes and References