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{{InfoBox|name=Related Data}}
{{InfoBox|name=Related Data}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Astrometrics|Astrometrics]]|data=[[Beta Quadrant]]; [[Delta Volanis cluster (STO)|Delta Volanis cluster]]; [[Delta Volanis Science Station (STO)|Delta Volanis Science Station]]; [[Milky Way galaxy]]; [[Starbase 1 (STO)|Starbase 1]]; [[Vulcan Sector (STO)|Vulcan Sector]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Cast & Crew|Cast & Crew]]|data=}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Chronology|Chronology]]|data=[[2256 (STO)|2256]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Chronology|Chronology]]|data=[[2256 (STO)|2256]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Education|Education]]|data=[[doctor]]; [[doctorate]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:People|People]]|data=[[Chan, Dean (STO)|Chan, Dean]]; [[J'Ula (STO)|J'Ula]]; [[Kensington (STO)|Kensington]]; [[Straal, Justin (STO)|Straal, Justin]]; [[T'Kuvma (STO)|T'Kuvma]]; [[Underwood, Deb (STO)|Underwood, Deb]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Politics|Politics]]|data=[[Klingon Empire (STO)|Klingon Empire]]; [[Klingon Houses (STO)|Klingon Houses]] ([[House Mo'Kai (STO)|House Mo'Kai]]); [[Klingon War (23rd Century) (STO)|Klingon War]]; [[Starfleet (STO)|Starfleet]]; [[Starfleet Ranks (STO)|Starfleet Ranks]] ([[Starfleet Ensign (STO)|Ensign]], [[Starfleet Lieutenant (STO)|Lieutenant]], [[Starfleet Captain (STO)|Captain]], [[Starfleet Admiral (STO)|Admiral]]); [[United Federation of Planets (STO)|United Federation of Planets]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Science & Technology|Science & Technology]]|data=}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Science & Technology|Science & Technology]]|data=[[cloaking device (STO)|cloaking device]]; [[communications (STO)|communications]]; [[computer (STO)|computer]]; [[disruptors (STO)|disruptors]] ([[disruptor pistol (STO)|pistol]], [[disruptor rifle (STO)|rifle]], [[shipboard disruptors (STO)|shipboard]]); [[distress signal (STO)|distress signal]]; [[forcefield (STO)|forcefield]]; [[impulse drive (STO)|impulse drive]]; ''[[mek'leth (STO)|mek'leth]];'' [[phasers (STO)|phasers]] ([[Type 2 phaser (STO)|Type 2]], [[phaser rifle (STO)|Type 3]], [[shipboard phasers (STO)|shipboard]]); [[photon torpedo (STO)|photon torpedo]]; [[self-destruct (STO)|self-destruct]]; [[sensors (STO)|sensors]]; [[shields (STO)|shields]]; [[spore drive (STO)|spore drive]]; [[subspace (STO)|subspace]]; [[subspace communication (STO)|subspace communications]]; [[tractor beam (STO)|tractor beam]]; [[transporter (STO)|transporter]]; [[turbolift (STO)|turbolift]]; [[warp drive (STO)|warp drive]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Ships & Vehicles|Ships & Vehicles]]|data=}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Ships & Vehicles|Ships & Vehicles]]|data=[[Class C shuttlecraft (STO)|Class C shuttlecraft]]; [[Crossfield class (STO)|''Crossfield'' class]]; [[U.S.S. Glenn NCC-1030 (STO)|U.S.S. ''Glenn'' NCC-1030]]; [[I.K.S. Lukara (STO)|I.K.S. ''Lukara'']]; [[M'Chla class (STO)|''M'Chla'' class]]; [[Qugh class (STO)|''Qugh'' class]]; [[Sech class (STO)|''Sech'' class]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Xenology|Xenology]]|data=[[ducks]]; [[Humans (STO)|Humans]]; [[Klingons (STO)|Klingons]]; [[tardigrade cosmozoan (STO)|tardigrade cosmozoan]]}}
{{TableRow|title=[[:Category:Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]|data=[[bridge]]; [[calendar]]; [[Red Alert]]; [[shuttlebay]]; [[Starfleet Uniforms (2240s)]]}}

Revision as of 23:01, 15 November 2021


Story Arc Age of Discovery
Episode 9
Age of Discovery

Stardate Unknown: Investigate a Federation science station that recently went out of contact.

We have a situation in the Delta Volanis cluster. One of our research stations there managed to get a partial distress signal off before it was jammed at the source. I need you to get out there and get eyes on the situation. The Klingons are getting bolder since they acquired cloaking technology — but an attack that far into Federation space is bold, even for them.

Find out what's going on and render any assistance they might need at the station… if it still exists.