2147 (FASA)

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Reference Stardate 1/4701 through 1/4712


  • RSD 1/4705: The invention of the medical tricorder allows for the instantaneous diagnosis of a mysterious plague on Rigel II, allowing Dr. Haras Keolar and the medical staff of the U.S.S. Clara Barton to discover its link to Kassaba Fever and synthesize a cure, saving many lives. The new tricorders, which contain a copy of all current Federation medical knowledge, allow for more complex data analysis of blood samples, environmental parameters, and more, and are capable of reading internal and external life signs, analyzing systems malfunctioning and tissue health, and can output a working diagnosis.[1][2]
  • RSD 1/4705.18 (18 May): The Federation Tribunal affirms the guilty verdict in the hotly contested Duraba Corporation case. Every officer in the corporation and certain major stockholders are convicted of participation in a gigantic criminal conspiracy spanning 20 planets and involving more than 1,850 separate violations of the FUMC. The resulting anti-Federation riots on the Orion Colonies cost 37 million credits and claim more than 6,000 lives.[3]
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