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UFP Historical Society
First Appearance  • Arc: TOS 02 (10 Nov 1966)
 • Temperature: TOS 04 (6 Oct 1966)

A degree was a measurement derived from dividing a circle into 360 equal parts. A degree was further divided into sixty minutes of arc, which in turn contained sixty seconds of arc.[1] When the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 took photographs as part of a star mapping mission on Stardate 1512.1, they overlapped the images by one degree.[2]

A degree was also a unit of temperature measurement. The planet Alfa 177 dropped to -120 degrees each night — though whether that was on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scale was never stated.[3]

Notes and References

  1. Bormanis, Andre. Star Trek: Science Logs. Pocket Books, March 1998.
  2. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Star Trek, season 1, episode 3 (Production number 02). Directed by James Goldstone. Written by Samuel A. Peeples. Desilu Productions. 22 September 1966.
  3. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Mudd's Women". Star Trek, season 1, episode 6 (Production number 04). Directed by Harvey Hart. Written by Stephen Kandel. Desilu Productions. 13 October 1966.