Magda Kovas

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Magda Kovas
Magda Kovas (TOS04)

Magda Kovas (TOS04)
Species Human
Sex Female
First Appearance TOS04 (13 Oct 1966)
Portrayed by Susan Denberg
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

Magda Kovas was raised on the helium experimental station. Magda, Ruth Bonaventure, and Eve McHuron were accompanying Harry Mudd as wiving settlers aboard a Class J cargo ship on Stardate 1329.1 when it was destroyed while attempting to evade pursuit by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. The four were rescued by the Enterprise just prior to their ship's destruction, but the effort caused significant damage to the Starfleet vessel. As the Enterprise traveled to Rigel XII to obtain needed lithium crystals, Mudd secretly contacted the miners there—Ben Childress, Herm Gossett, and Benton—and negotiated a deal to exchange the women for control of the crystals that the Enterprise needed. Unbeknownst to the miners, the women had actually been using an illegal Venus drug in an attempt to deceive the miners into a fraudulent marriage, whereupon they would have access to the men's wealth. The deception was not discovered until after the deal had been completed, and Benton and Gossett had been married over subspace radio to Kovas and Bonaventure. Kirk assured the miners that the marriages could be annulled if they so chose.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Mudd's Women". Star Trek, season 1, episode 6 (Production number 04). Directed by Harvey Hart. Written by Stephen Kandel. Desilu Productions. 13 October 1966.