C-10 class (SFC)

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C-10 class
C-10 class (SFCGame)

C-10 class (SFCGame)
Commissioned 2300
SFC Timeline
(Starfleet Command Games)

The heavy toll on Klingon dreadnoughts during the General War caused the Klingon Deep Space Fleet to desgin and build an upgraded version of the C-8 class. The additional cost of construction was throught to be balanced by the planned increased survival rate of the class. The C-10K class dreadnought had a crew of 600, a capacity of seventeen shuttlecraft, six science labs, eight transporters, and three tractor beam emitters; it was armed with 8 Type-B missile launchers, six banks of Type-4 disruptors, twelve banks of Type-1 phasers, two banks of Type-2 phasers, and five banks of Type-3 phasers.[1]

C-10 class vessels

SFC Timeline

I.K.V. Dreadness  • I.K.V. Horror  • I.K.V. Ketrick

Notes and References

  1. Bethke, Erik (Producer). Starfleet Command. Lead Designer: Erik Bethke. Senior Designer: Chris Taylor. Mission Scripting by Lance Watanabe. Campaign Mission Design by Scott Bennie. Game Design by Marc Hertogh and Tom Hughes. SFB Consultant: Tom Hughes. Interplay Inc.. 15 September 1999.