The Cloud Minders (Episode)

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The Cloud Minders
"The Cloud Minders" (TOS 74)

"The Cloud Minders" (TOS 74)
Series Star Trek
Season 3
Episode 21
Production Number 74
Release Date 28 Feb 1969

Stardate 5818.4: Kirk is forced into negotiating peace on a planet with severe class inequities.

In search of the crucial and rare mineral zenite, which is needed to stop a plague on planet Merak II, the Enterprise travels to Ardana, where the substance is excavated by miners — Troglytes — who are forced to live on the harsh surface while the ruling class — Stratos-dwellers — reside in a luxurious city, floating high above the planet's surface. When the Troglytes refuse to turn over the zenite, Captain Kirk is drawn into their struggle for equality. Plasus, the High Adviser of Ardana's ruling council, maintains that the Troglytes are naturally inferior beings. While Spock is involved with Droxine, Plasus' daughter, Kirk befriends Vanna, a Troglyte leader. Kirk, Vanna, and other Troglytes enter a zenite mine, where Kirk causes a cave-in that isolates them, and has Plasus transported into the mine with them. Without protective gas masks, they all begin to display violent, unreasoning behavior. Plasus, now aware of the reason for the Troglytes' mental state, reluctantly agrees to address his planet's social structure — and the Troglytes agree to gather the needed zenite.

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