STO Chronology: 24th Century

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Enterprise-C (TNG-163)


Enterprise-D (TNG 101-102)









Voyager (VOY 107)


Enterprise-E (ST 08)







  • Following the death of Praetor Shinzon at the Battle of Bassen Rift, the Romulan government fell into disarray. Tal'aura, one of the few remaining members of the Romulan Senate and a former ally of Shinzon, declared herself the new Praetor, supported by Fleet Commander Tomalak as the new leader of the Imperial Defense Force. However, Tal'aura's leadership was opposed by Commander Donatra, who with the support of Commander Suran and former Admiral Braeg retained control of the majority of the Fifth and Third fleets. Any hope of a reconciliation between the two sides ended after the execution of Braeg, and Donatra vowed never to accept Tal'aura's rule. Donatra's rebellion was not Tal'aura's only concern. The Remans, led by General Xiomek of the Reman Kapeszuk Battalion, demanded control of either a continent on Romulus or a planet with sufficient natural resources to maintain self-sufficient settlements as reparations for hundreds of years of slavery and exploitation. In response, Tal'aura cut shipments of food and needed supplies to Remus and commanded Tomalak to blockade the planet. (Star Trek Online)
  • Two trials are of note during this time. On Stardate 56867.84, the Founder known as the Female Changeling was sentenced for crimes committed against sentient beings during the Dominion War and committed to the Federation maximum security facility at Ananke Alpha. And on Stardate 58370.4, Ro Laren surrendered to Starfleet custody. A former member of Starfleet who defected to the Maquis in 2370, Ro pleaded guilty to charges of desertion and was ordered to report to a penal facility on Earth for rehabilitation. (Star Trek Online)
  • The deepening economic crisis on Cardassia Prime was a concern to both the Federation and the Klingon Empire in 2380. The Cardassians were devastated by Dominion bombardment in the final days of the Dominion War, suffering more than 800 million casualties. Large portions of Cardassia Prime were in ruins and the Cardassian government did not have the resources to recover. Nevertheless, they rejected most Federation aid. A notable exception to this stance is the Andak project, a Federation-funded program intended to restore Cardassia Prime's agricultural base. Led by Keiko O'Brien, the Andak project initially faced stiff reistance from xenophobic groups such as the True Way, as well as Gul Macet's conservative bloc of the government. Only the influence of Cardassian governmental adviser Elim Garak, a supporter of the fledgling democracy movement, allowed the Andak project to proceed, and the team was permitted to continue its work to make the barran desert climate of Cardassia Prime support sufficient crops to feed its population. Experts at the Daystrom Institute predicted that without more successful projects like the Andak initiative, the Cardassian Union could fall in as little as three years. (Star Trek Online)


  • The Romulan Star Empire appeared to be moving toward open civil war during much of 2381. Federation ambassadors consulted with the representatives of the Klingon Empire and other Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers about a proposed course of action to either bring peace to the Romulans or control any conflict that spilled out of Romulan space, but little was done to stop the deterioration of what was once one of the great powers in the quadrant. Imperial forces led by Tomalak skirmished repeatedly with Reman ships in the space between their twin worlds. Despite the Remans best efforts, though, the Romulan blockade of Remus held, leading to concerns that the Remans were suffering from shortages of food and supplies. The United Federation of Planets offered humanitarian aid to both Romulus and Remus. (Star Trek Online)
  • With the blockade of Remus and upheaval at home, Praetor Tal'aura had insufficient forces to stop Commander Donatra, who rallied the breakaway military forces under her command and conquered several agricultural worlds in Romulan space. With these planets under her control, Donatra declared herself the first empress of the Imperial Romulan State and established a capital on Archenar Prime. Tal'aura vowed to retake the territory by any means necessary. (Star Trek Online)
Spock (ST 11)
  • Although Ambassador Spock had returned to Federation space, the unification movement he founded continued to grow on Romulus. Thousands of Romulans secretly studied Vulcan history and culture and worked toward reuniting the Romulans with the world their ancestors abandoned centuries ago. Seeing the underground organization as another population exploited by the Romulan government, Xiomek of the Reman Kepeszuk Battalion allied with the Unification movement, although the two sides disagreed on how best to reach their goals. Xiomek wanted to seek a military solution to force the Romulans to accede to the Remans' demands, while the Unification movement sought nonviolent, diplomatic alternatives. On Stardate 59480.33, Spock presented a formal request for aid for the Unification movement to the Federation Council, which agreed to take the matter under consideration. (Star Trek Online)
  • In 2381, a coalition of planets led by Bajor demanded that members of the Cardassian government and military stand trial for crimes against sentient beings for actions taken during the Occupation of Bajor and the Dominion War. The Cardassian government refused any request to surrender its citizens for prosecution, so the coalition appealed to the Federation Council and the Klingon High Council to join them in seeking justice for past crimes. (Star Trek Online)
Jean-Luc Picard (ST 08)