The Lights of Zetar (Episode)

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The Cloud Minders
"The Cloud Minders" (TOS 73)

"The Cloud Minders" (TOS 73)
Series Star Trek
Season 3
Episode 18
Production Number 73
Release Date 31 Jan 1969

Stardate 5725.3: Zetarians threaten Lieutenant Mira Romaine.

Lieutenant Mira Romaine has been assigned to the Enterprise to supervise the transfer of new equipment to Memory Alpha, the central library facility of the United Federation of Planets. Then an energy storm of unknown nature kills all the inhabitants of Memory Alpha — and erases its computer banks as well. Apparently as a result of the storm, Lieutenant Romaine, who has recently entered a shared attraction with Mr. Scott, is able to predict where the energy will strike next: the Enterprise. Despite Captain Kirk's best efforts, the energy enters the ship and possesses Romaine. They discover the storm is actually a collective, energy-based life-form, the surviving life force of the last natives of Zetar, a dead world. Romaine's psychological attributes made her an ideal host for the Zetars, who communicate through her. The Zetars refuse to leave her body, insisting that they have a right to live, even at the expense of Romaine's life, but the "Lights" are extinguished when Romaine is placed in a pressurized chamber, and the Zetars, accustomed to the vacuum of space, are subjected to extremely high pressure. Recovered, Romaine returns to Memory Alpha to help restore the heavily-damaged facilities.

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