Klingon Empire (SFC)

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Myriad Universes: Klingon Empire
Klingon Empire

The Klingon Empire arose on the ruins of a previous empire, of which the Klingons had been a subject race. The Klingon Empire was relatively poor, and could only match the Federation in military power at the price of a harsher standard of living for its people.

Klingons were native to the planet Qo'noS, and were generally regarded as a brutal warrior race, but this characterization was not entirely fair. Very few Klingons were actually selected as warriors, but few outsiders knew this. Klingon warriors tended to be more aggressive than normal. They did not hesitate to use force if it was the most appropriate course of action, but they did not necessarily think of force as the first or only alternative.

The Klingon Empire included at least 12 planets in multiple systems with native sentient races, all of them subservient to the Klingons themselves. Many of these subject races served as crewmen on Klingon ships, and they were almost never allowed to navigate the ships or fire their weapons.

The Klingon military forces included the Deep Space Fleet (DSF), which was the regular military Navy, and the Internal Security Force (ISF). All ship names (DSF and ISF) were preceded with "IKV" (Imperial Klingon Vessel).

The ISF, which mostly operated small ships, was a combined police, customs, tariff regulation, border patrol, search & rescue, and anti–piracy force. It was also assigned the duty of watching the various subject planets for signs of dissidence. The ISF was inferior (in military, political and social standing) to the DSF.

The Empire Security Service included internal security and counter–espionage branches, but was best known for the security forces which were on all ships to make certain that the subject races did not overstep their bounds (and to make certain that the officers did their duties to the Empire). External intelligence was a function of the Klingon General Bureau. The DSF and ISF also maintained their own external intelligence agencies: the DSF external intelligence was the Galactic Research Unit, and the ISF external intelligence was the Maximum Veracity Directorate. This led to the usual duplication of effort and political infighting.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Bethke, Erik (Producer). Starfleet Command. Lead Designer: Erik Bethke. Senior Designer: Chris Taylor. Mission Scripting by Lance Watanabe. Campaign Mission Design by Scott Bennie. Game Design by Marc Hertogh and Tom Hughes. SFB Consultant: Tom Hughes. Interplay Inc.. 15 September 1999.