S.S. Werewolf F-006212 (FASA)

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S.S. Werewolf
Registry F-006212
Class Mission class
Commissioned RSD2/0302
First Appearance FASA2208 (1984)
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

The Werewolf was a small commercial transport built at an Orion shipyard and launched on Reference Stardate 2/0302 (February 2203). After resigning from Star Fleet, Solomon Kane traveled to the Orion Worlds to recover his stashed loot: payments for "looking the other way" and for selling his own illegal cargoes had increased his personal fortune to a total of nearly three million credits. After using that money as a down payment, he persuaded several Orion merchant princes to loan him the rest of the money needed to build the Werewolf.

The ship was deliberately built along standard Mission class lines, with an additional weapons system, reinforced superstructure, and powerful impulse engines. The Werewolf's resemblance to hundreds of other Mission class ships proved invaluable for smuggling, and her superior armament and power were useful aids in piracy. For more than a decade, the vessel roamed across the Federation, the Klingon border, and the Orion worlds.

Until 2214, Kane's creditors were paid promptly, until he and his ship ran into a string of bad luck. Smuggled cargoes were intercepted and potential merchant victims were escorted by Star Fleet vessels. After a number of close calls in another sector, Kane hired on with InstellCo for a mission to Daros IV. Without bonus money from InstellCo, Kane would have been unable to pay his Orion investors, some of whom were renowned for both their impatience and their intemperate treatment of defaulters. That mission proved to be his last, however, as Star Fleet Intelligence finally caught up to him on Daros IV.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Larkin, Patrick (Author). Orion Ruse. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2208 . Illustrations by N. Norman Miller. Graphics and layout by Dana Knutson and Jordan Weisman. FASA Corporation. 1984.