2105 (FASA)
From Trekipedia
Reference Stardate 1/0501 through 1/0512
- RSD 1/05: Christofur Thorpe of Alpha Centauri is elected President of the Federation Council. He will serve five years, until 2110.[1]
- RSD 1/0501: After several months of careful analysis and discussion, ranking Star Fleet officers at Starbase 3 report their decision for all subsectors within Sectors 1-5 and 7-10 to go to Code 1 Alert status as the Romulan Empire continues its "hit and run" tactics.[2][3]
- RSD 1/0507.22 (22 July):[4] Two Romulan vessels are crippled in the Sexton system by Star Fleet's 123rd Combat Squadron. The Romulan commanders wait until several ships maneuver close for boarding, then self-destruct, taking the Federation ships with them as they explode. Four Federation destroyers are lost with all hands, and Star Fleet issues standing orders prohibiting its vessels from closing with even a badly-damaged Romulan vessel.[5][3]
Doppler class scout (SFC)
- RSD 1/0508: Star Fleet Command's Doppler class scout becomes operational. Even smaller than its Mercury class predecessor, it is used to make surveys in "safe" areas of the Federation. Almost 490 are built before production ceases.[3]
Long class freighter (SFC)
- RSD 1/0509: The fusion-driven Long class "star barge" ore freighter is removed from service. Warp-powered starships traveling within the "original Federation" take its place.[2][3]
Marshall class starship (FASA 2011) (Original B&W Image)
- RSD 1/0511: Star Fleet Command's Marshall class destroyer becomes operational and is rushed into service. Equipped with many of the most recent technological advances, this warship is the mainstay of the Federation's combat fleet during the latter part of the Romulan War. The Marshall class, with a complement of 157, remains in active service for 60 years, longer than any other major warship class before or since. A total of 2900 ships will be built.[2][3]
- RSD 1/0512.09 (9 December): Discussions are held at the highest echelons of the Federation and Star Fleet Command. As a result, Christofur Thorpe, president of the Federation Council, issues a sealed, standing order by subspace radio to all individuals possessing the rank of Admiral, Council Secretary, or Senior Ambassador: if formal contact is made with the Romulan government, the Federation will demand that all hostilities cease immediately, or a state of war will be declared. Any military or governmental official receiving this order has the full authority of the UFP to authorize such a declaration.[3]
Notes and References
- ↑ Menke, Bernard Edward and Rick David Stuart (Authors). The Federation. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2011. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, John C. Tylk, Bob Eggleton, Daniel E. Carroll, and Jay Harris. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Goldstein, Stan et al (Authors). Spaceflight Chronology. Star Trek. Book. Wallaby Books. 1980.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Theisen, John A. (Author). The Romulan War. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2221A . Cover art by Dana Knutson. Illustrations by Cliff Van Meter and Dana Knutson. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ A typographic error in "The Romulans: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual" gave the incorrect Reference Stardate of 1/0522.07, which does not conform to the Reference Stardate system. This was corrected to 1/0507.22 in "The Romulan War," and the correct date is listed here.
- ↑ Tepool, David F. et al (Authors). The Romulans: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2005A. Graphics and layout by Dana Knutson, Todd Marsh, and Jordan Weisman. Illustrations by Norman Miller, Dana Knutson, Todd Marsh, and William H. Keith Jr.. FASA Corporation. 1984.