Nelson class (FASA)

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Nelson class (FASA 2011; Original B&W file)
Nelson class (FASA 2302E2)

The Nelson class scout, introduced on Reference Stardate 1/8804 (April 2245),[1][2] was designed to fill the need for small, lightly armed vessels to be used in areas away from known borders with potentially hostile entities.[3] Designed during the time known as "The Great Awakening," the Nelson class shared many features with other classes developed at the same time, including the Constitution class cruisers and the Larson class destroyers. The primary mission of the Nelson class was to explore and map uncharted areas of space, to observe new civilizations and cultures, and in some cases, to make First contact, making the Nelsons responsible for more contacts with alien cultures than any other class in Starfleet history prior to 2281.[1] The class proved to be such a success that more than 400 were built.[2]

The Mark I Nelson class was not particularly maneuverable, and relied on its warp drive to carry it to safety in case of attack. When phase cannons were replaced by phasers in Starfleet's inventory, the Mark I vessels were refit as they returned from their missions. The impulse engines were also upgraded, increasing the power output by 10%. Experience during the Klingon War necessitated more powerful shield generators. By June 2258, all Mark I vessels had been refit to the Mark II standards.[1]

In January 2265, Starfleet Command ordered that all Mark II vessels be refit to Mark III by installing the FWC-2 warp engine, FH-7 phasers, and FSH shield generators, increasing the power output by 30% and maneuverability by 50% at the expense of the higher speeds achieved on the Mark I and II designs. In June 2265, the first ship built to Mark III specifications, the U.S.S. Sager, was commissioned, and 114 Mark IIIs would come into service before the introduction of the Mark V.[1] The Mark IV design mounted the FIE-2 impulse engine, but only two vessels would be built to this design, the U.S.S. Moisanen and the U.S.S. Manzer. The Mark IV specifications were modified before the two ships were even completed, and all other Nelson class ships under construction were early enough in their construction that they could be modified to conform to the Mark V design; the Moisanen and Manzer were refit to Mark V within two years after their commissioning.[1]


  Mk I Mk II Mk V Mk VII
Date Entered Service Apr 2245 Feb 2254 Jun 2265 Feb 2273
Number Constructed 94 118 114 112
Length 263m 263m 263m 270m
Width 127m 127m 127m 127m
Height 61m 61m 61m 61m
Mass 79,700mt 80,600mt 82,300mt 85,600mt
Cargo Capacity 2,250mt 2,250mt 2,250mt 2,250mt
Computer Type M-1 M-1 M-1 M-2
Transporters (Personnel) 3 3 3 3
Transporters (Emergency) 2 2 2 2
Transporters (Cargo) 1 1 1 1
Crew 176 180 184 190
Passengers 10 10 10 10
Shuttlecraft 1 1 1 1
Maximum Cruising Speed Warp 8 Warp 8 Warp 7 Warp 7
Emergency Speed Warp 10 Warp 10 Warp 9 Warp 9
Weapons 2 FL-3 Phase cannons 2 FH-2 Phasers 2 FH-7 Phasers 3 FH-8 Phasers

The Mark V saw improvements to both the phasers and shield generators, and a major change in the arrangement of the ships' weapons was also incorporated into the design. Rather than two phasers with individual fire control systems, two phasers were placed into a single, forward-facing bank, with a single phaser added to cover the ship's aft. The FH-8 phasers also required an upgrade to the computer system, from the M-1 to the M-2, as the new phasers required a more sophisticated computer system to operate. Shield generators were also refit, providing a 20% increase in shield protection.[1]

Nelson class vessels were named for historical and fictional people and places that have attained legendary status, and carried hull registries in the 7350-7799 range.[3] By June 2280, 88 Mark Vs remained in active service, with 14 Mark IIs, 12 Mark IIIs, and 8 Mark Vs in reserve fleets. One Mark V was used by Starfleet Training Command, and 32 Mark Is, 11 Mark IIs, 8 Mark IIIs, and 3 Mark Vs had been destroyed. Four Mark Is were captured by Klingon forces during the Four Years War; 16 Mark Is, 6 Mark IIs, 2 Mark IIIs, and 1 Mark V were listed as missing; 8 Mark Is, 10 Mark IIs, 22 Mark IIIs, and 9 Mark Vs had been scrapped; and 4 Mark Is, 4 Mark IIs, 8 Mark IIIs, and 2 Mark Vs had been sold to civilian concerns.[1]

Nelson class starships
