2270 (Columbia)
- Stardate 5483.7 (1-2 January): Investigating a sector of space where starships have disappeared every 27 years, the Enterprise finds a race of beautiful women living on a hidden planet.[1]
- Stardate 5554.4: While visiting the newly discovered planet Phylos, Lieutenant Sulu picks up a walking plant, called a Retlaw, and is poisoned. The alien species that inhabits the planet, who are also plantlike beings, approach and save Sulu's life.[2]
- Stardate 5592.1: The Enterprise crew revisits the "amusement park" planet, hoping for some rest and relaxation.[3]
- Stardate 4978.5: The Enterprise receives orders to arrest Federation outlaw Harry Mudd, who is accused of selling fake love crystals. Intercepting Mudd on the mining colony of Motherlode, they bring him aboard the Enterprise.[4]
- Stardate 8941.4/Reference Stardate 2/1201: Captain Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise is called to Janus VI, where he must serve as a judge regarding the murder of a Horta. In the process, an important discovery is made about the race of Hortas that once populated the planet.[5][6]
- Reference Stardate 2/1201: While on routine patrol near Tholian space, the Larson class destroyer U.S.S. Cre'cy NCC-4312 encounters the badly damaged hull of the U.S.S. Hood NCC-1703, apparently no longer trapped in spatial interphase. The Cre'cy successfully tows the battered hulk to the nearest Federation outpost, where officials initially decide to scrap the vessel,[6] but later decide instead to refit it.[7]
- Reference Stardate 2/1201: The Denebian Swan of Merit is introduced by the Deneb IV Planetary Government, and is awarded to individuals who have displayed valor in the service of the planet Deneb or its citizens in the course of Federation duties.[7]
- Stardate 5693.2/Reference Stardate 2/1003.01 (approx. 21 January): Captain Kirk is caught between dimensions while the Enterprise is trapped by an energy draining web spun by the Tholians.[8]
- Stardate 5710.5 (approx. 27 January): Invisible "time-accelerated" aliens take over the Enterprise and attempt to abduct the crew for use as "genetic stock."[9]
- Stardate 5718.3 (approx. 30 January): Captain Kirk visits a mental health facility and confronts an insane starship captain who believes he is destined to control the universe.[10]
- Reference Stardate 2/1202: Federation Ambassador Carlos Rivera, a senior diplomat, is called in to help persuade the Lorealyn system to join the Federation. Lying within the Klingon Neutral Zone, the system possesses important crystal deposits that could be valuable for experiments in transwarp propulsion. The Mission class courier U.S.S. Magnan NCC-13843 transports the ambassador, but is intercepted by a Klingon D-7 class cruiser. Ambassador Rivera and his party are taken aboard the cruiser, where they are temporarily imprisoned.[11] Starfleet Intelligence later learns that the Klingons' Kinza D'elma naval base has been completed in territory acquired under the Organian Peace Treaty.[6]
- Stardate 5725.3 (approx. 1 February): Strange, energy-based alien life forms threaten the Memory Alpha station and the Enterprise crew.[12]
- Stardate Unknown: The crew of the Enterprise visits an abandoned outpost guarded by a mysterious computer.[13]
- Stardate 5726.4 (approx. 2 February): (shortly after "That Which Survives") (TOS: Gateways #1, "One Small Step")
- Stardate Unknown: "One Giant Leap" (immediately following "One Small Step") (TOS: Gateways #7, What Lay Beyond: "One Giant Leap")
- Stardate 5729.8 (approx. 3 February): (VAN #9, Chapter 5)
- Stardate 5730.2 (approx. 3 February): The Enterprise picks up the last two survivors of a war-torn planet who are still committed to destroying each other aboard the ship.[14]
- Stardate 1254.4: While exploring near the center of the galaxy, the Enterprise is caught inside an energy/matter vortex and all her computer systems fail. A being named Lucien appears on the bridge, repairs the ship's systems and takes the crew to explore his planet, Megas-Tu.[15]
- Stardate 5577.3: While observing a burned-out supernova, the Enterprise picks up a strange message transmitted in a two-hundred-year-old code.[16]
- Stardate 5267.2: While exploring the Delta Triangle, where many starships have disappeared, the Enterprise is attacked by several Klingon vessels. During the battle they are caught in an ion storm. The Enterprise and one Klingon battlecruiser are drawn into a spacetime vortex and end up in a timeless dimension.[17]
- Stardate 5392.4: While the Enterprise escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the Enterprise rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon and demand that the pilot be handed over to them.[18]
- Stardate 5499.9: While exploring the water planet Argo, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are transformed into water breathers by the planet's undersea inhabitants, the Aquans. In order to return to their normal selves, they must enlist the help of the Aquans to capture a giant sur-snake, whose venom holds the antidote.[19]
- Stardate 5784.2 (approx. 23 February): The crew of the Enterprise encounters an ageless and mischievous race of psychic humanoids who claim to have organized their society around ancient Greek ideals.[20]
- Stardate 7680.9/Reference Stardate 2/1203: The U.S.S. Enterprise is assigned to supervise the evacuation of humanoids on the planet Aleriad, which is about to be destroyed due to system instability. Although the Prime Directive is suspended, Alerian religious beliefs and Orion agents complicate the evacuation process.[21][6] Meanwhile, the first outbreak of Orion blood fever occurs among the inhabitants of Rigel VII. Starfleet Intelligence later learns that the disease depopulated several Klingon settlements before quarantines were ordered.[6]
- Stardate 5818.4 (approx. 7 March): Captain Kirk races against time to acquire plague-fighting minerals from a world in the midst of a civil uprising.[22]
- Stardate 5821.3 (approx. 8 March): (VAN #9, Chapter 7)
- Stardate 5822.6 (approx. 9 March): (VAN #9, Chapters 9-10)
- Stardate 5829.6 (approx. 11 March): (VAN #9, Chapters 1-2, 4, 6, 8)
- Stardate 5829.7 (approx. 11 March): (VAN #9, Chapter 11, part 1)
- Stardate 5830.4 (approx. 12 March): (VAN Chapter 11, part 2)
- Stardate 5832.3 (approx. 12 March): The Enterprise is hijacked by the criminal Doctor Sevrin and his loyal, hippie-like followers, who are attempting to find paradise.[23]
- Stardate 6334.1: Spock contracts a fatal illness, and the cure can only be found with dangerous Orion pirates.[24]
- Stardate 5843.7 (approx. 16 March): The crew of the Enterprise encounters an immortal Human who lives as a recluse on a planet of his own.[25]
- Stardate 5683.1: The Enterprise arrives at the Vedala asteroid, where Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock have been summoned to learn about a stolen religious artifact, the "Soul of the Skorr", whose theft could ignite a galactic holy war.[26]
- Stardate 5275.6: Doctor McCoy is arrested for allegedly causing a deadly plague, which once ravaged the planet Dramia.[27]
- Stardate 3183.3: A strange energy field causes the Enterprise computer to play practical jokes on the crew, but the humor soon turns to danger.[28]
- Stardate 6063.4: A mysterious being threatens to destroy the Enterprise if the crew is unable to solve an ancient puzzle.[29]
- Stardate Unknown: (VAN #7: Prologue)
- Stardate Unknown: (VAN #8: "#8: Prologue, Epilogue)
- Stardate 6770.3: An unusual spaceship pulls the Enterprise into a "negative universe" where time seems to flow backwards.[30]
- Stardate 5501.2: The disappearance of a scientific team lures the Enterprise to investigate near Lactra VII. The starship Ariel is located there, abandoned, with its captain having transported to the planet's surface.[31]
- Stardate 5906.4 (approx. 8 April): Aliens force Kirk and Spock to battle illusionary villains in a test of good versus evil.[32]
- Stardate 7403.6: The Enterprise crew is taken captive by a primitive race on a newly discovered planet.[33]
- Stardate 4187.3: In the Shuttlecraft Copernicus, Mr. Spock, Uhura, and Sulu are en route to Starbase 25 to deliver a stasis box—a rare artifact of the Slaver Empire—when the Kzinti intervene.[34]
- Stardate 5928.5 (approx. 16 April): Captain Kirk's consciousness becomes trapped in the body of a woman bent on killing him and taking over his command—while inhabiting his body.[35]
- Stardate 7098.5: (VAN #9: Chapter 12)
- Stardate 5943.7 (approx. 22 April): Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are trapped in the past on a world threatened by a supernova.[36]
- Reference Stardate 2/1204: The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 ends its Five Year Mission under Captain James T. Kirk, and enters spacedock for an extensive refit.[37][38][39] Kirk is promoted to Commodore.[6]
- Reference Stardates 2/1209-2/1212 (May-July): Coridan, a Federation protectorate, experiences increasing numbers of dilithium crystal hijackings, resulting in numerous fatalities and severe financial repercussions.[40][6]
- Reference Stardates 2/1204-2/1212: Commodore Kirk spends much of his shore leave using his influence and prestige to assure Starfleet's continued vigilant, but non-militant, activities in the face of Klingon aggression outside the Klingon Neutral Zone. He is appointed to Starfleet's Operating Forces Board to ensure that his proposals are carried out, and is promoted again to Admiral.[6]
- Reference Stardate 2/1212: Commander Spock declines an offer of promotion to Captain and resigns from active duty, entering the Starfleet Reserve while pursuing the Kolinahr discipline on Vulcan. (FASA 2214)
- Stardate Unknown: (6 months after "Storming Heaven," 2 months after TOS 79) (Seekers #1)
- Stardate Unknown: (Seekers #2)
- Reference Stardate 2/1207.01 (1 July): The standard Starfleet uniform is changed to "the long-sleeved, round-necked tunic in grey or tan, with one-piece pants and foot coverings[, with the] standard belt monitor ... attached at waist level in front." Service branch is denoted by the color of the background circle of the Starfleet arrowhead/delta insignia as follows: Command white, Science orange, Engineering red, Medical green, Operations yellow, and Security silver.[41]
- Reference Stardate 2/1309: The Aakenn class freighter U.S.S. Mundy is found adrift near Starbase 21 with life support systems operating but without a crew. Millions of live Tribbles are found in the vessel's cargo hold, surviving on the food produced by a still-functioning food synthesizer. Several years later, two Mundy crewmembers will be found, and they will relate how renegade Klingons boarded the vessel, discovered the cargo of Tribbles, and killed or marooned the entire crew.[42]
Captain Kirk's five-year mission was established to have begun in 2265 in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Q2". The Star Trek episode "The Menagerie, Part I" further establishes that Spock served under Captain Pike for 11 years, and that it had been 13 years since the events of "The Cage," meaning that Stardate 3012.4 fell two years into Kirk's command. The episode "Charlie X" further added weight to this, establishing both Stardate 1533.1 and the Earth date of Thanksgiving, which falls on 23 November in 2265. As the stardates ranged from the mid-1000s to the low 3000s in the first season and continued to increase at approximately 1000 per season afterward, it seems logical to conclude that the first season spanned nearly two years, and later seasons one each, with the second season chronicling the 3000s, the third season the 4000s and 5000s, and the Animated Series the 5000s. If Captain Kirk's command began on or about Stardate 1000, this would put the end of the five year mission on or about Stardate 6000, shortly after the end of the Animated Series. Using these dates as a reference point, the following can be established:
- Stardate 1000 fell on 13 May 2265.
- The range for Stardates each year is from X636 to Y635 (e.g., 1636 to 2635)
- This places "The Menagerie" (Stardate 3012.4) on 18 May 2267, at the beginning of Kirk's third year in command of the Enterprise
The order given for the episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series is taken from the novelizations, which included chronological references and additional story elements. While the novelizations gave new (and more consistent) stardates, the stardates given in the original episode have been retained.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Lorelei Signal." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 6. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Margaret Armen. Filmation Associates, 29 September 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Infinite Vulcan." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 2. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Walter Koenig. Filmation Associates, 20 October 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "Once Upon a Planet." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 14. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Chuck Menville & Len Janson. Filmation Associates, 3 November 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "Mudd's Passion." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 8. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Stephen Kandel. Filmation Associates, 10 November 1973.
- ↑ McLimore, Guy W. Jr. "Witness for the Defense." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Book 2202. Graphic Design by Dana Knutson and Mitch O'Connell. FASA Corporation, 1983.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Barton, William A., Gallagher, Tara J., Hess, Clare W. III, Huettel, Todd W., Kemper, Dale L., Menke, Bernard Edward, Pardoe, Blaine L., Peterson, Boy F., Rogan, Peter R., Stein, Kevin, Stuart, Rick David, and Theisen, John A. "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Sourcebook Update." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Supplement 2224. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Stuart, Rick. "Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Supplement 2012. Illustrations by Rob Caswell, David R. Dietrick, A.C. Farley, Dana Knutson, Jim Nelson, Jeff Laubenstein, and Todd F. Marsh. FASA Corporation. 1988.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "The Tholian Web." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 9. Directed by Herb Wallerstein and Ralph Senensky. Written by Judy Burns and Chet Richards. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 15 November 1968.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Wink of an Eye." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 13. Directed by Jud Taylor. Story by Lee Cronin. Teleplay by Arthur Heinemann. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 29 November 1968.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Whom Gods Destroy." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 16. Directed by Herb Wallerstein. Story by Jerry Sohl & Lee Erwin. Teleplay by Lee Erwin. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 3 January 1969.
- ↑ McLimore, Guy W. Jr., Poehlein, Greg K., and Tepool, David F. "In the Presence of My Enemies." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Book 2001B. Illustrations and Drawings by Mitch O'Connell and Jordan Weisman. FASA Corporation, 1983.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "The Lights of Zetar." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 18. Directed by Herb Kenwith. Written by Jeremy Tarcher and Shari Lewis. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 31 January 1969.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "That Which Survives." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 14. Directed by Herb Wallerstein. Story by Michael Richards. Teleplay by John Meredyth Lucas Paramount Pictures Corporation, 24 January 1969.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 15. Directed by Jud Taylor. Story by Lee Cronin. Teleplay by Oliver Crawford. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 10 January 1969.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Magicks of Megas-Tu." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 9. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Larry Brody. Filmation Associates, 27 October 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Terratin Incident." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 15. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Paul Schneider. Filmation Associates, 17 November 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Time Trap." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 10. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Joyce Perry. Filmation Associates, 24 November 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "More Tribbles, More Troubles." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 1. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by David Gerrold. Filmation Associates, 6 October 1973.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Ambergris Element." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 13. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Margaret Armen. Filmation Associates, 1 December 1973.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Plato's Stepchildren." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 12. Directed by David Alexander. Written by Meyer Dolinsky. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 22 November 1968.
- ↑ Hooper, Andrew Philip. "Denial of Destiny." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Book 2205. Illustrations by Dana Knutson and David R. Deitrick. FASA Corporation, 1983.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "The Cloud Minders." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 19. Directed by Jud Taylor. Story by David Gerrold and Oliver Crawford. Teleplay by Margaret Armen. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 28 February 1969.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "The Way to Eden." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 20. Directed by David Alexander. Story by Michael Richards & Arthur Heinemann. Teleplay by Michael Richards. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 21 February 1969.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Pirates of Orion." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 19. Directed by Bill Reed. Written by Howard Weinstein. Filmation Associates, 7 September 1974.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Requiem for Methuselah." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 21. Directed by Murray Golden. Written by Jerome Bixby. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 14 February 1969.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Jihad." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 12. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Stephen Kandel. Filmation Associates, 12 January 1974.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "Albatross." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 18. Directed by Bill Reed. Written by Dario Finelli. Filmation Associates, 28 September 1974.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Practical Joker." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 20. Directed by Bill Reed. Written by Chuck Menville. Filmation Associates, 21 September 1974.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 21. Directed by Bill Reed. Written by Russell Bates & David Wise. Filmation Associates, 5 October 1974.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Counter-Clock Incident." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 22. Directed by Bill Reed. Written by John Culver. Filmation Associates, 12 October 1974.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Eye of the Beholder." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 16. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by David P. Harmon. Filmation Associates, 5 January 1974.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer/Story and Teleplay) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "The Savage Curtain." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 22. Directed by Herschel Daugherty. Teleplay by Arthur Heinemann. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 7 March 1969.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "Bem." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 17. Directed by Bill Reed. Written by David Gerrold. Filmation Associates, 14 September 1974.
- ↑ Scheimer, Lou & Prescott, Norm (Producers). "The Slaver Weapon." Star Trek: The Animated Series, Episode 11. Directed by Hal Sutherland. Written by Larry Niven. Filmation Associates, 15 December 1973.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer/Story) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Turnabout Intruder." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 24. Directed by Herb Wallerstein. Teleplay by Arthur Singer. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 3 June 1969.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "All Our Yesterdays." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 23. Directed by Marvin Chomsky. Written by Jean Lisette Aroeste. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 14 March 1969.
- ↑ Berman, Rick & Biller, Kenneth (Executive Producers). "Q2." Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7, Episode 19. Directed by LeVar Burton. Story by Kenneth Biller. Teleplay by Robert Doherty. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 11 April 2001.
- ↑ Roddenberry, Gene (Producer). Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Directed by Robert Wise. Story by Alan Dean Foster. Screenplay by Harold Livingston Paramount Pictures Corporation, 7 December 1979.
- ↑ Wheeler, Wm. John with McLimore, Guy W. Jr., Poehlein, Greg K., and Tepool, David F. "Cadet's Orientation Sourcebook." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Book 2004A. FASA Corporation, 1983.
- ↑ Keith, J. Andrew. "Margin of Profit." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Book 2209. Graphics and Layout by Dana Knutson, Norman Miller, and Jordan Weisman. Illustrations by Norman Miller. FASA Corporation, 1984.
- ↑ McLimore, Guy W. Jr., and Poehlein, Greg K. "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Sourcebook Update." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Supplement 2214. FASA Corporation. 1984.
- ↑ Brown, Forest G. "Federation Ship Recognition Manual." Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Supplement 2302. Illustrations by Dana Knutson and Robert Oswald. FASA Corporation. 1985.