U.S.S. Entente NCC-2120 (Myriad)

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Myriad Universes: U.S.S. Entente
U.S.S. Entente
Registry NCC-2120
Class Federation
Commissioned c.2210
First Appearance SFTM (Nov 1975)
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

Construction on the Federation Starship Entente, a Federation class dreadnought, was authorized by the Star Fleet Appropriation of Stardate 6066.[1] On SD7410.2, the Entente sent a transmission to the Epsilon IX Station communications relay station.[2]



U.S.S. Entente
Ulysses class (SFCGame)

Ulysses class (SFCGame)
Registry NCC-2120
Class Ulysses
Commissioned 2291
First Appearance SFCGame (15 Sep 1999)
SFC Timeline
(Starfleet Command Games)

The Federation Starship Entente was a DNG-type Ulysses class dreadnought, commissioned circa 2291.[3]



U.S.S. Entente
Registry NCC-2120
Class Federation
First Appearance SFTM (Nov 1975)
SFU Timeline
(Star Fleet Universe Games)

Construction on the Federation Starship Entente, a Federation class dreadnought, was authorized by the Star Fleet Appropriation of Stardate 6066.[1]

Notes and References