The Omega Glory (Episode)

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The Omega Glory
"The Omega Glory" (TOS 54)

"The Omega Glory" (TOS 54)
Series Star Trek
Season 2
Episode 23
Production Number 54
Release Date 1 Mar 1968

Stardate Unknown: The Enterprise finds a planet devasted by disease that appears to treat the American flag with great reverence.

The Enterprise discovers the Starship Exeter in orbit around planet Omega IV, its crew reduced to crystallized powder by a deadly virus. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, exposed to the disease, beam down to the planet in search of a cure — and meet Exeter's Captain Ronald Tracey. Tracey believes that something in Omega IV's atmosphere can induce immortality in Humans, as it apparently has in the planet's rulers, the Kohms. To assure a place for himself on the planet, Tracey violated the Prime Directive by using phasers against the Kohms' enemies, the Yangs. When the Yangs capture Tracey's village, Kirk discovers that Omega IV is the scene of a parallel evolution resembling war-ravaged counterparts of the Yankees (Yangs) and Communists (Kohms). Tracey denounces Kirk and Spock, implying that the Vulcan is a representative of Satan. Kirk, however, gains the trust of the Yangs by reciting their "worship words," which are actually a distorted version of the preamble to the United States Constitution. Prolonged exposure to the atmosphere of Omega IV cures the crew of the virus, and with Tracey under arrest, they return to the Enterprise.

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