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A devil (TOS54)

A devil (TOS54)
First Appearance TOS08 (15 Sep 1966)
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

In the Abrahamic faiths of Earth, the devil was a being who tempted Humans to commit evil deeds.[1] The term was also used as a mild curse.[1][2] The devil had many names, including Satan[3] and Lucifer, who was featured as a character in John Milton's Paradise Lost. Khan Noonien Singh referred to the book when facing exile to Ceti Alpha V; in the book, Lucifer stated, "It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven."[4] Kirk once compared Spock to the devil in an attempt to provoke an emotional reaction from the Vulcan, who was under the influence of alien spores.[5] Ron Tracey made the same comparison in an effort to convince the Yangs of Omega IV that Spock was their enemy.[6]

Notes and References