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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''The Needs of the Many'' (Novel)}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''The Needs of the Many'' (Novel)}}
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{{ImageInfoBox2|name=The Needs of the Many|file=stoneeds.jpg|caption=Cover}}
{{TableRow|title=Written by|data=[[Martin, Michael A.|Michael A. Martin]]}}
{{TableRow|title=Written by|data=[[Michael A. Martin]]}}
{{TableRow|title=Series|data=''[[Star Trek Online]]''}}
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Prior to the terror-filled times of the Long War &mdash; the seemingly endless struggle against the Undine, a paranoid, shape-shifting race once known only as Species 8472 &mdash; enemy sleeper agents quietly penetrated every echelon of Federation society, as well as other starfaring civilizations throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The ensuing conflict shook humanity to its very core, often placing its highest ideals against a pure survival instinct. All to frequently, the Undine War demanded the harshest of sacrifices and exacted the steepest of personal costs from the countless millions whose lives the great interdimensional clash forever altered.
Prior to the terror-filled times of the Long War &mdash; the seemingly endless struggle against the Undine, a paranoid, shape-shifting race once known only as Species 8472 &mdash; enemy sleeper agents quietly penetrated every echelon of Federation society, as well as other starfaring civilizations throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The ensuing conflict shook humanity to its very core, often placing its highest ideals against a pure survival instinct. All to frequently, the Undine War demanded the harshest of sacrifices and exacted the steepest of personal costs from the countless millions whose lives the great interdimensional clash forever altered.
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Also includes a printed adaptation of [[The Path to 2409 (STO)|The Path to 2409]]
Also includes a printed adaptation of [[The Path to 2409 (STO)|The Path to 2409]]
{{InfoBox|name=Related Data
|astro=[[Ajilon Prime (STO
{{DEFAULTSORT|Needs of the Many, The (Novel)}}
[[Category:STO Timeline]]
[[Category:STO Timeline]]

Latest revision as of 21:05, 25 February 2023

The Needs of the Many

Written by Michael A. Martin
Series Star Trek Online
Released Apr 2010
STO Timeline
(Star Trek Online MMORPG)

Prior to the terror-filled times of the Long War — the seemingly endless struggle against the Undine, a paranoid, shape-shifting race once known only as Species 8472 — enemy sleeper agents quietly penetrated every echelon of Federation society, as well as other starfaring civilizations throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The ensuing conflict shook humanity to its very core, often placing its highest ideals against a pure survival instinct. All to frequently, the Undine War demanded the harshest of sacrifices and exacted the steepest of personal costs from the countless millions whose lives the great interdimensional clash forever altered.

Drawn from his exhaustive research and interviews, The Needs of the Many delivers a glimpse of Betar Prize-winning author Jake Sisko's comprehensive "living history" of this tumultuous era. With collaborator Michael A. Martin, Sisko illuminates an often-poorly-understood time, an age marked indelibly by both fear and courage — not to mention the willingness of multitudes of unsung heroes who became the living embodiment of the ancient Vulcan philosopher Surak's famous axiom, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Cast across the vast backdrop of Cryptic Studios' graphically stunning vision of a bold new century on the final frontier and beyond, The Needs of the Many adds a literary dimension to the immersive, massively multiplayer role-playing experience — Star Trek Online.



Also includes a printed adaptation of The Path to 2409

Related Data

Astrometrics Ajilon Prime; Alpha Centauri III; Altair VI; Andor; Andromeda galaxy; Argelius; Badlands; Bajor; Barnard's Star system; Bassen Rift; Bolarus; Bynaus; Cardassia Prime; Catualla; Cestus III; Chin'toka; Chiron Beta Prime; Class M planet; Deep Space 9; Deep Space K-7; Delta Outposts; Delta Quadrant; Deneva; Devron system; Donatu V; Draken; Earth (Amherst, Antwerp, Belgium, Europe, Fort Knox, France, Germany, Japan, Las Vegas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Millennium Gate, New Guinea, New Orleans, New Zealand, Paris, San Francisco; Terrebonne Parish, Texas, Washington State); Eta Crucis/Chorgh'etlh; Fluidic Space; Galor IV; Gamma Quadrant; Heronius system; Heronius II; Heronius IIc; Hobus system (Hobus Cinder, Hobus Nebula); Lakarian City; Luna; Mars (Ascraeus Mons, Millennium Gate replica, Olympus Mons, Tharsis Bulge, Utopia Planitia, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards); McAllister C-5 Nebula; Merak II; MIDAS Array; Milky Way galaxy; Mintaka III; Nequencia; Omicron Theta; Pluto; Pluto (Columbia); Praxis; Qo'noS; Rator III; Remus; Risa; Romulan Neutral Zone; Romulus; Sherman's Planet; Starfleet Headquarters; Tau Ceti system; Tau Ceti IV (Kaferia); Tranome Sar; Trialas IV; Trillius Prime; The Vault (aka The Forge); Vega Colony; Vulcan; Vulcan (Kelvin); Wolf 359 system; Xoxa Colony
Chronology STO Timeline: 1962; 2024; 2032; 2267; 2366; 2372; 2373; 2375; 2376; 2379; 2381; 2382; 2385; 2386; 2387; 2388; 2391; 2396; 2399; 2401; 2406; 2408; 2409; 16 Feb 2423; Stardate50762; 62762.91 (6 Oct 2385); 66248.2 (1 Apr 2389); 65548.43 (2388); 66710.12 (17 Sep 2389/5 Soo'jen Year of Kahless 1015); 73968.8 (20 Dec 2396); 76429.4 (6 Jun 2399); 76815.8 (25 Oct 2399); 83686.4 (8 Sep 2406; 85365.2 (13 Mar 2408); 85496.1 (30 Jun 2408); 85563.8 (25 Jul 2408); 85893.2 (22 Nov 2408); 86003.6 (2 Jan 2409); 97267.3 (7 Apr 2420)
Culture ak'voh; Barsoom; baseball; Battlecruiser Vengeance; Beatles; "The Best is Yet to Come;" "Blue Skies;" Cassandra (mythological); The Children of Fluidic Light; Chinese; dominoes; drad; ethics; funeral; funeral pyre; gambling; Great Depression; holonovels; "I've Got the World on a String;" Iron Age; judo; kai; kadis-kot; Klingon language; Latin language; Laws of Robotics; Maori; marriage; monastery; novels; Of Mice and Men; Red Queen; Renaissance; Romans; Rosie the Riveter; Rules of Acquisition (9, 22, 34, 35); soul; Sto-Vo-Kor; suicide; Sword of Damocles (mythology); A Tale of Two Cities; Texans; Tharks; "They Can't Take That Away From Me;" thoats; Undine (mythology); "We Shall Overcome;" "You're Nobody 'til Somebody Loves You"
Education Amherst College; Cochrane Institute; counselor; Daystrom Institute; doctor; doctorate; Pennington School; physician; Arik Soong Institute; Soong Foundation; Starfleet Academy
Food alcohol; champagne; crops; Kaferian apples; kanar; marmalade; martini; oranges; raktajino; water
People Andex; Archer, Jonathan; Archer, Valerie; Arlen; Arnold, Benedict; B-4; B'Vat; Bacco, Nanietta; Bashir, Julian; Batanides, Marta; Bell, Gabriel; Berlin, Irving; Birch, John; Bolaji, Totyarguil; Boothby, Liam; Bradbury, Ray; Brahms, Leah; Brog; Broht, Ardon; Bullock, Gareth; Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Clark; Cochrane, Zefram; Coleman; Cowper, Bradley S.; Crusher, Beverly; Crusher, Wesley; D'ian, Melani; D'rakal; Damar, Corat; Darvin, Arne; Data; Dax, Jadzia; Dickens, Charles; The Doctor; Donovan; Drake, Franklin; Dukat, Skrain; Dulmer, Wolf; E'Shles; Esheli; Everett, Hugh III; Farquar; Felix; Flotter T. Watter III; Foley, Linda; Fontaine, Vic; Friedman, Jan Michael; Fullerton, Pascal; Gabriel; Gaila; Garak, Elim; Gentry, David; Gershwin; Ghemor, Alon; von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Gralmek; Graham, Philip L.; Graves, Ira; Grilka; Guardian of Forever; Hagath; Hansen, Magnus; Hansen, Erin; Hansen, Annika; Harter, Julietta; Hassan; Heinlein, Robert; Hoffman; Icheb; J'mpok; Jack; James, William; Janeway, Kathryn; Jaresh-Inyo; K'Dhan; Kahless the Unforgettable; Kasdan; Kochler; Krota; La Forge, Alandra; La Forge, Bret; La Forge, Geordi; La Forge, Mikaela; La Forge, Sidney; Laas; Lang, Natima; Lauren; Leigh; Lennon, John; Leyton, James; Loews, Karen; Lore; Lucsly, Adam; Maddox, Bruce; Madred; Martin, Michael A.; Martok; Merton, Thomas; Morgan, Russ; Nava; Neduni; Nietzsche; Nog; O'Brien, Kirayoshi; O'Brien, Molly; O'd'taa; O'Halloran; O'Neill; Odo; Ogilvy; Okeg, Aennik; Palmer, Timothy T.; Palmieri; Paris, Miral; Paris, Owen; Paris, Tom; Patel; Patrick; Picard, Jean-Luc; Picard, René Jacques Robert François; Picard, Robert; Pike, Christopher; Piñiero, Esperanza; Powell, Noah; Powell, Suzi; Q; Q'thoq; Quark; Quelle; Quen; Raimus; Raka; Rena; Riker, Will; Riker-Troi, Natasha Miana; Ro Laren; Rom; Ryerson, Charles; Scott, Montgomery; Sela; Segusa, Marta; Seven of Nine; Shea; Shinzon; Shore, Kenneth Lawrence; Silel; Sisko, Benjamin; Sisko, Jake; Snavely; Soong, Noonien; Steinbeck, John; Stiles, Paul; Surak; T'Vanik; T'Vix; Tain, Enabran; Tal; Thomas; Torres, B'Elanna; Troi, Deanna; Tul, Otera; Waddle, Barry; Wells, H.G.; Whitman, Walt; Wildman, Naomi; Wildman, Samanatha; Wolfit, Donald; Worf; Wykoff; Yar, Tasha; Zife, Min
Politics ambassador; Battle of Bassen Rift; Battle of Wolf 359; Cardassian Castellan; Cardassian Gul; Cardassian Legate; choS Battle Group; Cold War; DaiMon; Department of Peace; Department of Temporal Investigations; Detapa Council; Dominion; Dominion War; espionage; Ferengi Alliance; Federation President; Federation Security Council; Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies; Gorn Hegemony; Grand Nagus; Jankata Accord; Jim Crow; Khitomer Accords; Klingon Chancellor; Klingon High Council; Klingon Ranks (Captain, General); Long War; MACO; MACO Ranks (Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major); Nazis; New Essentialists for a New Federation; Obsidian Order; Orion Syndicate; Q Civil War; Romulan Mining Guild; Romulan Neutral Zone; Romulan Proconsul; Romulan Senate; Romulan Star Empire; Starfleet; Starfleet Command; Starfleet Intelligence; Starfleet Ranks (Crewman, Ensign, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Captain, Rear Admiral, Admiral); Tal Shiar; Temporal Displacement Division; True Way; Undine War; United Federation of Planets; United States of America; USMC; voting; War of Martian Independence; World War II
Science & Technology anthropology; artificial intelligence; asteroid; astronomical unit; astrophysics; atom; bat'leth; bioneural gel packs; Black Death; bleach; bubonic plague; calculus; chronometer; cloaking device; computer; cortenide; cybernetics; data rod; deca; decalithium; disruptors (shipboard); DNA; duranium; electromagnetic radiation; Emergency Counseling Hologram; EV suit; exobiology; gold; graviton ellipse; gravity; Hodgkins' Law; holography; hydrospanner; hypospray; immune system; ion storm; iron; kelbonite; latinum; lightning; magnetosphere; matches; metric system (Celsius; centimeter, kilometer, meter); mind meld; mining; mobile holoemitter; multiphasic shields; neutrinos; nuclear weapons; paper; parsec; pencil; pergium; phasers (rifle, shipboard); photon torpedo; photosynthesis; Planck; plasma; positronic brain; protostar; psychiatry; psychohistory; psychology; PTSD; quantum mechanics; quark; radiation (Berthold, delta, epsilon, gamma, x-rays); replicator; robotics; sand; seeds; sensors; shield; shields; silicon; sociology; static electricity; structural integrity field; subspace; subspace teleportation; subspace weapons; sulfur; supernova; sweat; synthacco; telepathy; terraspheres (Terrasphere 8); tetryons; time (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century, millennium); TR-116; transparent aluminum; transporter; transwarp; tricorder; trilithium; Turing test; weather control system
Ships & Vehicles Apollo program (Apollo 11); Aries IV; Borg cube; breaching pod; U.S.S. Challenger NCC-71099; U.S.S. Cochrane NCC-59318; Constitution class; Delta Flyer; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D; U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E; escape pod; Excalibur class; freighters; I.K.S. Ki'tang; U.S.S. James T. Kirk; Narada; S.S. Noble Avarice; I.K.S. Qiv; U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-31911; I.R.W. Scimitar; I.K.S. Tagak; U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC-63549; U.S.S. Titan NCC-80102; U.S.S. Tucker; unicycle; U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656; U.S.S. Zife
Xenology Andorian polar millipedes; Andorians; androids; bees; Borg; Breen; Bynars; Cardassians; cats; Changelings; chickens; coyotes; crocodiles; crystalline entities; dinosaurs; Drathan puppy ligs; Edosians; Fek'Ihri; Founders; Gallamites; grasshoppers; holograms; humanoids; Humans; Jem'Hadar; Kelvans; Klingons; lions; manatees; mermaids; Mintakans; Nausicaans; Norpin falcons; Organians; Orions; pigs; praying mantises; Prophets; pumpkins; Q Continuum; Romulans; Saurians; Scalosians; shapeshifters; sharks; Soong-type androids; Species 8472; squids; Talarian hook spiders; tigers; Triexians; tyrannosaurus rex; Ullians; Undine; Vorta; vulcanoids; Vulcans; Xindi; zebras
Miscellaneous "Anslem;" B-4 matrix; Borg Invasion (Columbia 2381); bridge; Broht & Forrester; chief engineer; Christopher Pike Medal of Valor; "Collected Stories;" commanding officer; Data matrix; doppelgänger; Federation News Service; Ferengi Commercial News; first contact; journalism; Ordovician mass extinction; Proxima News Service; Quark's Bar; science officer; security chief; Tellar News Service; The TransFederation Examiner; Washington Post; xenophobia