The Assassination Game (Novel)

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"The Assassination Game"

Series Star Trek (Kelvin)
Released June 2012
Kelvin Timeline
(Split from 2233)

Stardate 2255: The rules are simple: Draw a target. Track him down and "kill" him with a spork. Take your victim’s target for your own. Oh, and make sure the player with your name doesn't get to you first. No safe zones. No time-outs. The game ends when only one player remains.

James T. Kirk is playing for fun. Leonard "Bones" McCoy is playing to get closer to a girl. But when a series of terrorist attacks rock the usually placid Starfleet Academy campus, it becomes clear that somebody is playing the game for real. Is it one of the visiting Varkolak, on Earth to attend an interstellar medical conference? Or could it be a member of a super-secret society at the Academy dedicated to taking care of threats to the Federation, no matter what rules they have to break to do it?

Book Credits

Written by
Alan Gratz

Based Upon Star Trek Created by
Gene Roddenberry

Cover Illustrated by
Craig M. Staggs

Cover Design by
Nicholas Sciacca

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