U.S.S. Valiant NCC-1102 (FASA)

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Myriad Universes: U.S.S. Valiant
U.S.S. Valiant

UFP Historical Society
Registry NCC-1102
Status Destroyed (2153)
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

The Federation Starship Valiant, in the final year of a five-year mission of exploration, was lost in the vicinity of the Eminiar system in 2153.[1][2] The Valiant and its crew were declared a "casualty" of the "war" between Eminiar VII and Vendikar. The ship was destroyed, and its crew killed. The fate of the Valiant remained a mystery until the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 visited Eminiar VII on Stardate 3192.1.[3]

Notes and References