The Mark of Gideon (Episode)

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The Mark of Gideon
"The Mark of Gideon" (TOS 72)

"The Mark of Gideon" (TOS 72)
Series Star Trek
Season 3
Episode 16
Production Number 72
Release Date 17 Jan 1969

Stardate 5423.4: Kirk is abducted by aliens who wish to use him to help solve their overpopulation problem.

Captain Kirk beams down to Gideon, a disease-free planet the United Federation of Planets is attempting to recruit as a member. Something goes wrong with the transporter, and Kirk never arrives in the Gideon council chambers. A frustrated Mr. Spock fails to secure permission from either Starfleet or the council members to beam down and search for the captain. Kirk awakens in the middle of an exact duplicate of the Enterprise, empty save for himself and a young woman, Odona. He discovers he is actually on Gideon, which, though disease-free, is also terribly overpopulated. Because of this, Gideon councilman Hodin lured Kirk into the faux starship. Now Odona, his daughter, has been infected with Vegan choriomeningitis, a virulent disease Kirk survived but still carries in his blood. Odona will die and infect others on Gideon with the disease, paving the way for a reduction in population. Mr. Spock finally locates the captain and then brings Kirk and Odona back to the Enterprise. Odona is cured — but happily returns to Gideon to infect other citizens of that world with the potentially fatal disease.

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