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Spock (2258, Kelvin Timeline) (ST11) Spock Portrayed by Leonard Nimoy Carl Steven (ST03) Vsevolod "Vadia" Potenza (ST03) Stephen Manley (ST03) Joe W. Davis (ST03) Liam Hughes (DSC 16) Ethan Peck (DSC) In 2254,[Notes 1] Spock served as science officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 under Captain Christopher Pike. He was wounded in an incident with the Kaylar on Rigel VII shortly before an encounter with the Talosians on Talos IV, resulting in a slight limp.[1] After serving under Captain Pike for 11 years, command of the Enterprise transferred to James T. Kirk.[2] Spock continued on as science officer, as well as executive officer.[3] Spock's mother was Human, and his father was Vulcan,[4] a fact that Kirk teased him about on Stardate 1312.4.[3]


  1. The year that "The Cage" takes place, 2254, is derived from information given in "The Menagerie." Spock states that it has been 13 years since the incident on Talos IV, and that he served under Captain Pike for 11 years. Therefore, the episode is in the second year of Captain Kirk's five-year mission, which began in 2265, per the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Q2." Therefore, "The Menagerie" is set in 2267, and thirteen years prior to that is 2254.
