U.S.S. Horizon NCC-176

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U.S.S. Heinlein
Class Daedalus

The Federation Starship Horizon was a Daedalus class starship.[1][2] In the early 23rd century, the Horizon, the U.S.S. Decatur, and the S.S. Potemkin were attacked by the Raptor class I.K.S. K'araH IKS-312.[3]


Though "The Star Trek Encyclopedia," the "Star Trek Roleplaying Game - Core Game Book," and the Star Trek Roleplaying Game (Decipher) "Starfleet Operations Manual" and "Starships" books list the Horizon as being responsible for first contact with the Iotians, the Star Trek: Enterprise novel "Kobayashi Maru" revealed that it was actually the E.C.S. Horizon that was responsible.

Ships Named Horizon

Prime Timeline

E.C.S. Horizon (J class)  • U.S.S. Horizon NCC-176 (Daedalus class)

FASA Timeline

U.S.S. Horizon NCC-173 (Unknown class)

Legacy Timeline

U.S.S. Horizon NCC-75668 (Defiant class)

LUG Timeline

E.C.S. Horizon (J class)  • U.S.S. Horizon NCC-176 (Daedalus class)

STO Timeline

E.C.S. Horizon (J class)  • S.S. Horizon XII (Unknown class)  • U.S.S. Horizon NCC-176 (Daedalus class)

UFP150 Timeline

E.C.S. Horizon (J class)  • U.S.S. Horizon NCC-176 (Daedalus class)

Notes and References