2222 (FASA)
From Trekipedia
Reference Stardate 2/2201 through 2/2212
- RSD 2/22: In a spectacular accident at a Star Fleet experimental station, Commander Joshua Scott is reported dead. Scott, posing as the trader Scorn, boards a merchant ship bound for the Triangle.[1]
- RSD 2/22: Krox learns of James Wedgewood's dilithium hoard. He agrees to split any profits in exchange for Wedgewood's aid in promoting pro-independence political sentiment.[2]
- RSD 2/2201: BioResearch Corporation receives word that a new Romulan cloaking device has been designed, one that will be more effective than earlier models, and that development of the anti-cloaking device is proceeding well.[1]
- RSD 2/2201.10 (10 January): The U.S.S. Sparon NCC-17121 arrives at Daran V during the late afternoon.[3]
- RSD 2/2201.11 (11 January): The Sparon receives a message from Commander Mira Romaine describing the theft of the U.S.S. Juggernaut, and the crew begins their investigation.[3]
- RSD 2/2201.19 (19 January): Commander Gabriel Matthews of the Bader class scout U.S.S. Hawley is killed on Daran V while conducting some kind of unauthorized, covert investigation.[3]
- RSD 2/2201.26 (26 January): News of the destruction of the Dixie Princess reaches the Dixie Lady. A message is sent to Starbase 12, but only a portion of it gets past Klingon jamming.[4]
- RSD 2/2201.22 (22 January): Klingon forces under the control of Thought Admiral Krador raid the Federation world of Calamar II. The Klingons inflict unusually light damage and actually take prisoners, an uncustomary action.[5]
- RSD 2/2201.27 (27 January): Determining that the Juggernaut was taken to the Omicron Aurigae system, the Sparon contacts the U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1709.[3]
- RSD 2/2202: Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that a Klingon Imperial Termination Order is filed against Thought Admiral Krador. The degree of the assignment's success cannot immediately be verified.[5][6]
- RSD 2/2202.09 (9 February): Commodore Antonia Niccomachi, former commander of Starbase 23, is transferred to Star Fleet Intelligence. Commodore Georgi X. Ilanenko, former assistant commander of Starbase 22, replaces her.[6]
- RSD 2/2201.14 (14 February): The Baker class destroyer U.S.S. Cooper NCC-4791 arrives at Axanar. Its crew has orders to investigate the possible existence of a secret Klingon base from the Four Years War.[7]
- RSD 2/2202.19 (19 February): The U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1709 and two other Federation starships encounter the pirate ship responsible for the theft of the U.S.S. Juggernaut in the Omicron Aurigae system. They cripple the Orion Wanderer class vessel, which self-destructs. The Juggernaut is caught in the explosion. Captain Yewling of the Lexington contacts the U.S.S. Sparon.[3]
- RSD 2/2202.27 (27 February): The U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864, under the command of Captain Clark Terrell, is assigned to Project Genesis. The crew's mission is to locate a suitably lifeless planet for the project's first full-scale test.[8][6]
- RSD 2/2203: Star Fleet Intelligence later learns that the Klingon Subaiesh line and related allies have begun their ascent to power within the Klingon Diplomatic Corps.[6]
- RSD 2/2203.19 (19 March): Because of Admiral Dean Vanderhoff's illness, Commodore Jarv Gouthar replaces him as commander of Starbase 14.[6]
- RSD 2/2203.20 (20 March): Loyal Klingon forces take over Muldor IV, and destroy Thought Admiral Krador's plans to seize the throne. Krador escapes and flees for his life. All other personnel in the scheme are killed or captured.[1]
- RSD 2/2203.28 (28 March): Admiral Konuu finishes the mopping-up operation on Muldor IV, but fails to find Krador's body. He sends a message to the Klingon Emperor that Krador's body was probably destroyed in the battle.[1]
- RSD 2/2204: Work continues very slowly on the Operation Armageddon simulation. The failure of Operation Dixie, the transfer of high-level Star Fleet officers, the Galactic Conference, and the increasing presence of Klingon military activity all lead to a general cut-back in training projects in favor of "real" military spending.[6]
- RSD 2/2204.01 (1 April): The Klingon Emperor sends Admiral Konuu a message that in the absence of Krador's body, he wants the ashes. Failing that, Konuu had better not return to Klinzhai until he can produce either of the two. Konuu throws himself deeper into the investigation, spending more time doing deep mental probes on the survivors in an effort to get an accurate idea of where to find Krador's body.[1]
- RSD 2/2204.19 (19 April): Krador decides to invest the time necessary to get to the Triangle before actively renewing his plans to seek revenge. He dispatches a message to his uncle, Admiral Kreetan, on Klinzhai. The message uses a family code so only Kreetan will grasp its significance. Krador resumes his journey to the Triangle.[1]
- RSD 2/2204.22 (22 April): After intensive interrogations, Konuu comes to the grim conclusion that Krador might very probably have escaped, but he is uncertain as to where. The investigation continues.[1]
- RSD 2/2205: A Klingon negotiating team is sent to the Federation with orders to discuss conditions for improving interstellar relations between the respective governments.[6]
- RSD 2/2205: After ten months of labor, the Star Fleet Corps of Engineers completes its work on Regula.[8][6]
- RSD 2/2205.02 (2 May): Numerous Star Fleet vessels are reassigned to duty as dignitary couriers for the Galactic Conference.[6]
- RSD 2/2205.10 (10 May): Krador meets Vastok on a border world and arranges transport to the Triangle.[1]
- RSD 2/2205.20 (20 May): The I.K.V. K'ti'suka, a Klingon K-22B Bird of Prey class scout, destroys the Axanar Culture Mission, a team of Federation sociologists and other scientists.[7]
- RSD 2/2205.21 (21 May): The U.S.S. Cooper NCC-4791 pursues the I.K.V. K'ti'suka toward the Federation/Klingon border.[7]
- RSD 2/2205.24 (24 May): The commander of the transport U.S.S. Zirconian Star reports the theft of a warp shuttle and a large quantity of unrefined kironide from Platonius.[6]
- RSD 2/2206: It is estimated that the population of the Triangle has quintupled over the past 22 years.[9]
- RSD 2/2206: The Operation Dixie scandal begins to rock Star Fleet. Admiral Nogura resigns, Commodore Loomis retires, and Captain Tremaine is reassigned to Starbase 10.[4]
- RSD 2/2206: Project Grey Ghost returns and is heralded as a complete success. Star Fleet gains important information on the nature, organization, and threat capabilities of the Romulan Star Empire.[10]
- RSD 2/2206: The Office of Star Fleet Research and Exploration joins forces with Star Fleet Engineering Command to plan a series of starships utilizing the transwarp drive, including the Excelsior class battleship and the Galaxy class explorer. Architects and research crews begin work on three vessels: the U.S.S. Andromeda, the U.S.S. M-31, and the U.S.S. Magellanic Clouds, informally called the Magellan. However, the ships will not be operational for some time.[6]
- RSD 2/2206: The Scorpio class corvette is commissioned; 192 will be built within the next year.[11]
- RSD 2/2206.01 (1 June): Saavik graduates from Star Fleet Academy at the top of her class. Promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade, she is assigned at the request of Captain Spock to take her cadet cruise aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701.[12]
- RSD 2/2206.12 (12 June): A board of investigation examining records on Operation Dixie# (FASA)Operation Dixie concludes that it probably failed because of a Klingon double agent.[4][6]
- RSD 2/2206.14 (14 June): The crew of the U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864 investigates Ceti Alpha V, believing it to be Ceti Alpha VI.[8][6]
- RSD 2/2206.16 (16 June): Commander Pavel Chekov and Captain Clark Terrell of the Reliant class research cruiser U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864 unexpectedly encounter Khan Noonian Singh in the Ceti Alpha system. Using the mind-controlled officers as bait, Khan and the rest of the Ceti Alpha survivors capture the Reliant.[8][13]
- RSD 2/2206.18 (18 June): Admiral James T. Kirk joins Captain Spock aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 for a three-week Star Fleet Academy cadet training cruise and inspection. Kirk soon receives a message from Doctor Carol Marcus regarding the confiscation of Project Genesis. With Spock's cooperation, he resumes command of the Enterprise, and sets course for Regula.[8][6]
- RSD 2/2206.18 (18 June): Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan leaves Earth to attend the Galactic Conference.[6]
- RSD 2/2206.19: The Reliant arrives at the Regula I Research Station. Khan tortures and kills nearly all of the Project Genesis personnel, who buy time for Doctors Carol and David Marcus to escape with the Genesis Device and a handful of people to the Genesis Cave on Regula.[8][6]
- RSD 2/2206.20 (20 June): The Reliant, under Khan's piratical command, ambushes the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701, manned with Star Fleet Academy cadets on a training cruise. After a battle in the Mutara Nebula, Khan is dead and the Enterprise is severely damaged. Faced with the impending detonation of the Genesis Device, Captain Spock enters a deadly radiation-contaminated area and restores power to the warp drive just in time to allow the Enterprise to outrun the Genesis Wave. In so doing, Spock absorbs a fatal dose of radiation. His body is launched toward the new Genesis Planet as the Genesis Effect accelerates the growth of living things on the planet.[8][13]
- Stardate 8141.5: (TOS DC #1)
- Stardate 8149.2: (TOS DC #2)
- Stardate 8150.7: (TOS DC #3)
- Stardate 8151.7: (TOS DC #4)
- Stardate 8163.5: (TOS DC #5)
- Stardate 8173.5: (TOS DC #6)
- Stardate 8180.1: (TOS DC #7)
- Stardate 8185.35: (TOS DC #8)
- RSD 2/2206.20 (20 June): En route to Earth Spacedock, the Enterprise redezvouses with the U.S.S. Firenze, a medical ship, to transfer Doctor Carol Marcus and most of the the Academy cadets for further treatment and debriefing. Dr. David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik are transferred to the Gagarin class research vessel U.S.S. Grissom NCC-638, on its way back to the Genesis Planet.[14][13][6] Saavik is given a commendation and a field promotion to full Lieutenant.[12] Star Fleet Command dispatches a transport to pick up survivors of the U.S.S. Reliant, stranded by Khan on Ceti Alpha V.[6]
- RSD 2/2206.20 (20 June): Admiral Vanderhoff accepts a medical retirement, and Commodore Gouthar formally replaces him as commander of Starbase 14, a duty he has already assumed.[6]
- RSD 2/2206.21 (21 June): The Enterprise returns to Earth Spacedock. Admiral Kirk, in disfavor because of the loss of the Reliant, the Regula I Research Station, the Genesis Device, and Captain Spock, meets with Ambassador Sarek, Spock's father. The demoralized Enterprise crew is reassigned to various posts on Earth and at the Spacedock, pending further investigation.[14][13]
- RSD 2/2206.22 (22 June): Doctor David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik find a Vulcan child on the Genesis Planet, who is growing at a highly accelerated rate. This proves to be the regenerated body of Spock, minus his intellect and essence.[14][13]
- RSD 2/2206.23 (23 June): Kirk, McCoy, Scott, Sulu, and Chekov steal the Enterprise from Earth Spacedock with the help of Uhura, and return to the Genesis Planet to seek Spock's body.[14][13]
- RSD 2/2206.24 (24 June): A Klingon K-22 Bird of Prey class scout commanded by Captain Kruge attacks and destroys the Gagarin class U.S.S. Grissom NCC-638, killing all aboard and stranding Dr. David Marcus, Lieutenant Saavik, and the regenerated body of Spock on the Genesis Planet.[14][13][6]
- RSD 2/2206.25 (25 June): The Klingon Bird of Prey cripples the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 shortly after it arrives at the Genesis Planet. Doctor David Marcus is killed by Klingons, and Kirk destroys the Enterprise rather than allow it to fall into Klingon hands. Kirk, Sulu, Saavik, McCoy, Chekov, and Scott escape aboard the captured Bird of Prey, along with the regenerated Spock. The Bird of Prey's first officer, Maltz, is taken into custody. The Genesis Effect proves its instability when the Genesis Planet disintegrates.[14][13][10][6]
- RSD 2/2206.27 (27 June): The Bird of Prey lands on Vulcan, and Spock's mind is reunited with his body in the ancient rite of fal tor pan.[14][13][6] The Klingon Empire officially denies all involvement with Captain Kruge's activities.[15] Spock's mind is restored by the transfer of his essence, or katra, which Spock had placed in McCoy before exposing himself to the radiation that led to his death.[14][13]
- RSD 2/2207.28 (28 June): Admiral Randolph Morrow files an affadavit containing his personal evaluation of Admiral Kirk's recent actions.[6]
- Stardate 8215.5: (TOS DC #9)
- Stardate 8216.4: (TOS DC #10)
- Stardate 8217.8: (TOS DC #11)
- Stardate 8217.8: (TOS DC #12)
- Stardate 8220.3: (TOS DC #13)
- Stardate 8221.6: (TOS DC #14)
- Stardate 8223.4: (TOS DC #15)
- Stardate Unknown: (TOS DC #16)
- Stardate 8263.5: (TOS DC #17)
- Stardate 8293.6: (TOS DC #18)
- Stardate 8293.6: (TOS DC "Giri")
- Stardate 8293.6: (TOS DC #21)
- Stardate 8370.2: (TOS DC Annual #1) (Framing Story)
- RSD 2/2207: An unmanned Federation convoy operating within the Klingon Neutral Zone is destroyed. Evidence later points to a Klingon attack.[6]
- RSD 2/2207: Star Fleet Intelligence sends the Northampton class frigate U.S.S. Bremerton into the Triangle on "business of an undisclosed nature."[6]
- RSD 2/2207: The Dixie Lady reaches Marram IX. Mouhkta enlists the aid of Commandant Kinmar in his project to return to the Federation.[4]
- RSD 2/2207: Demand for heavy weapons causes Floont to suggest that contact be made with a legitimate arms dealer within the Federation, attempting either to purchase weapons or weapon plans directly, to purchase them covertly, or to obtain the plans through blackmail. Rodney Maremaunt, of the Maremaunt Corporation, is chosen as the target.[1]
- RSD 2/2207.01 (1 July): Operation Grand Deterrence, a second large-scale fleet maneuver, begins under the command of Commodore G.X. Ilanenko. A second operation coming so closely after Operation Tactical Encounters XXVI is unheard of, even in the area of Federation space nearest to the Klingon Empire.[6]
- RSD 2/2207.05 (5 July): The Federation Security Council holds the first in a series of closed meetings to investigate security leaks surrounding Project Genesis. Several theories are discussed, but the Council's findings conclude that the Federation may never know for sure how the Klingons learned about the project.[6]
- RSD 2/2207.30 (30 July): Vastok finally realizes exactly who he is transporting to the Triangle. He starts plotting on how he might capitalize on the situation.[1]
Konuu (FASA 2215) (Colorized; Original B&W Image)
- RSD 2/2208.03 (3 August): Star Fleet Security publishes a report examining how Admiral Kirk was able to spacejack a starship from Earth Spacedock. The report also suggests numerous procedural changes to improve security and to prevent a repeat occurrence.[6]
- RSD 2/2208.10 (10 August): Konuu realizes that he has no real idea where Krador went. Concluding that Krador will seek revenge, he decides to parcel out some of his forces to establish surveillance on Krador's few remaining relatives, on the off chance that Krador might contact them.[1]
- Stardate 8878.1: (TOS DC #22)
- Stardate 8878.4: (TOS DC #23)
- Stardate Unknown: (TOS DC #24)
- Stardate 8890.1: (TOS DC #25)
- Stardate 8892.3: (TOS DC #26)
- Stardate 8988.3: (TOS DC #27)
- Stardate 8899.7: (TOS DC #28)
- Stardate 8901.1: (TOS DC #29)
- Stardate 9142.5: (TOS DC #30) (Framing Story)
- Stardate 8903.6: (TOS DC #31)
- Stardate 8904.6: (TOS DC #32)
- Stardate 8906.3: (TOS DC #33)
- Stardate 8906.3: (TOS DC #34)
- Stardate 8907.5: (TOS DC #35)
- Stardate 8908.3: (TOS DC #36)
- RSD 2/2209: Star Fleet Intelligence receives rumors that an important Klingon Intelligence installation has been destroyed as a result of political infighting. This installation, supposedly on Valtor III, would have been a key base between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire.[16][6]
- RSD 2/2209.15 (15 September): An unidentified alien spacecraft is detected in deep space. Over the next two weeks, the ship rapidly continues on a course toward Earth.[17][6]
- RSD 2/2209.16 (16 September): A computer failure on Starbase 10 destroys many Star Fleet Intelligence personnel files related to Operation Dixie.[6]
- RSD 2/2209.26 (26 September): Kiltarc zantai Neygebh, the Klingon Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets, arrives on Earth. He demands that Admiral James T. Kirk be delivered to the Klingons, to be tried as a pirate and interstellar criminal for his role in the Genesis Incident. The Federation Council refuses, saying that Kirk is subject only to Federation jurisprudence.[15]
- RSD 2/2209.27 (27 September): Admiral Kirk and his party leave Vulcan in the Klingon Bird of Prey. The group is bound for Earth, where all except the resurrected Spock face court-martial for the theft and destruction of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701.[17][6]
- RSD 2/2209.29 (29 September): The alien spacecraft reaches Earth, neutralizing any starship that impedes its progress. Though still unidentified, the vessel makes its intentions partially known upon its arrival: it is attempting to establish meaningful communication with an intelligent species of life that is now extinct on Earth–Cetacea Mysticeti, better known as humpback whales. As the alien's search intensifies, it begins heating the planet's atmosphere, vaporizing the oceans and altering the planet's ecological balance. If action is not taken soon, the damage will be irreversible and catastrophic, rendering the entire planet lifeless.[17][6]
- RSD 2/2209.30 (30 September): Federation Council President Alistair Fergus sends out an urgent message describing the situation on Earth, and ordering all starships to stay away from the planet. Admiral Kirk's party aboard the Bird of Prey receives the message and formulates a plan of action.[17][6]
- RSD 2/2209.30 (30 September): After Kreetan elatedly receives Krador's message, he quickly starts to arrange a tour of repair facilities on the Triangle border.[1]
- RSD 2/2210.01 (1 October): By using Sol's gravitational field in a breakaway slingshot maneuver, the Bird of Prey travels back in time to Reference Stardate -1/8608 (August 1986). After retrieving two humpback whales from the past, the Bird of Prey returns to the present and crash lands into San Francisco Bay, where it releases the whales. The alien ship establishes communication and reverses the warming effects, returning Earth to its former condition. Admiral Kirk and his party are taken into custody.[17][6]
- RSD 2/2210.14 (14 October): Admiral James T. Kirk and the crewmembers involved in the Genesis Incident are court martialed for the theft and subsequent destruction of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. The court exonerates Scott, Sulu, Uhura, McCoy, and Chekov, but sentences Kirk to formal chastisement and a two-grade demotion to Captain.[15]
- RSD 2/2210.15 (15 October): Star Fleet Command's Naval Construction Contract Number 1786, under construction at Sol III, reaches completion. Although this Enterprise class Mk. III cruiser was to be christened the U.S.S. Atlantis NCC-1786, it is instead christened as the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A and placed under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.[17][6]
- RSD 2/2210.17 (17 October): Klingon Ambassador Kiltarc abruptly leaves Earth and returns to the Klingon Empire.[15]
- RSD 2/2210.30 (30 October): Star Fleet Command's U.S.S. Excelsior NX-2000, the first battleship of the class, is commissioned. An assortment of malfunctions and minor systems defects, however, continue to keep the vessel from being deployed in an active role.[6]
- Stardate 8140.1: (TOS DC Annual #3)
Fleet Admiral Romdar (FASA 2215) (Colorized; Original B&W Image)
- RSD 2/2211: The ex-Dixie Lady is sold to Richmond Enterprises. Captain Tremaine arrives on Freeman's Port.[4]
- RSD 2/2211.15 (15 November): Vastok takes Krador prisoner and sends a subspace radio message to the Romulans arranging a rendezvous in the Triangle. With very little dickering, the Romulans agree to the terms.[1]
- RSD 2/2211.20 (20 November): The Romulan High Command assigns Fleet Admiral Romdar to fetch Krador. Romdar's squadron readies itself to depart for the Triangle.[1]
- RSD 2/2211.25 (25 November): Kreetan departs for the Triangle. Konuu is advised of the event. He concludes that perhaps his surveillance has paid off.[1]
- RSD 2/2211.27 (27 November): After weighing his options, Konuu decides his best course of action is to trail behind Kreetan. He orders his forces to meet at Outpost 1 in the northwestern edge of the Triangle border.[1]
- RSD 2/2212: Floont has his first meeting with Rodney Maremaunt, complete with a classic blackmail setup. The pictures are stored for further use.[1]
- RSD 2/2212: Lancelot Worthington III sells the Romulans information that a Star Fleet Intelligence operative has wormed his way into the anti-cloaking device staff. Because of the careful plan begun 18 months earlier, the Romulans confirm this intelligence and remove all of the research staff connected with the project. The BioResearch mole becomes the project's new head. He begins to delay the project, to steal parts for the new cloaking device, and to make untraceable copies of the anti-cloaking device plans.[1]
- RSD 2/2212.08 (8 December): Krador persuades Vastok to become partners. Krador is released from the brig, and the two start hashing out details for setting up production of the mind-control drug.[1]
- RSD 2/2212.15 (15 December): The I.K.V. K'ti'suka, still being pursued by the U.S.S. Cooper NCC-4791, halts near the edge of Federation space, where a large Klingon force awaits. Several Federation vessels following the Cooper surprise the Klingon squadron in a full-scale multi-ship battle.[6]
Notes and References
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 Rice, Peter L. and Marcus Mulkins (Authors). The Triangle Campaign. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2215. Concept by Wm. John Wheeler. Cover art by David Deitrick. Illustrations by Dana Knutson, Todd Marsh, Jane Bigos, and David J. Hutchins. FASA Corporation. 1985.
- ↑ Stuart, Rick David (Author). Conflict of Interests. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. FASA Book 2222. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, Dana Knutson, and Jeff Laubenstein. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Theisen, John A. (Author). Old Soldiers Never Die. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2221 . Based on a concept by Guy W. McLimore Jr. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by GIDEON, Todd F. Marsh, and Dana Knutson. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Keith, J. Andrew (Author). The Dixie Gambit. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. FASA Book 2223. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, Jeff Laubenstein, John C. Tylk, and Dana Knutson. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Kemper, Dale L. (Author). Termination: 1456. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2206 . Cover by Mitch O'Connell. Illustrations by Norman Miller. Graphics and layout by Norman Miller, Dana Knutson, and Karen L. Vander Mey. FASA Corporation. 1984.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 Barton, William A. et al (Authors). Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Sourcebook Update. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2224. Cover art by Dana Knutson. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, Jeff Laubenstein, and Dana Knutson. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 Theisen, John A. (Author). Return to Axanar. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. FASA Book 2218. Based on a concept by L. Ross Babcock III. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh and Jane Bigos. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Salin, Robert (Producer). Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. Story by Harve Bennett and Jack B. Sowards. Screenplay by Nicholas Meyer (Uncredited). Paramount Pictures. 4 June 1982.
- ↑ McLimore, Guy W. Jr. et al (Authors). The Triangle. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2007. Cover art by David Martin. Graphic design by Jordan Weisman. Graphics, layout, and illustrations by Dana Knutson, Todd F. Marsh, Jane Bigos, and David J. Hutchins. FASA Corporation. 1985.
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Menke, Bernard Edward and Rick David Stuart (Authors). The Federation. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2011. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, John C. Tylk, Bob Eggleton, Daniel E. Carroll, and Jay Harris. FASA Corporation. 1986.
- ↑ Brown, Forest G. (Author). Federation Ship Recognition Manual. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2302 , Second Edition. Cover art by Dana Knutson. Illustrations by Dana Knutson and Robert Oswald. FASA Corporation. 1985.
- ↑ Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Tepool, David F. et al (Authors). The Romulans: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2005A. Graphics and layout by Dana Knutson, Todd Marsh, and Jordan Weisman. Illustrations by Norman Miller, Dana Knutson, Todd Marsh, and William H. Keith Jr.. FASA Corporation. 1984.
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 McLimore, Guy W. Jr. et al (Authors). Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Sourcebook Update. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2214. Graphics and layout by Dana Knutson and Jordan Weisman. FASA Corporation. 1984.
- ↑ Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Bennett, Harve (Producer). Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Directed by Leonard Nimoy. Written by Harve Bennett. Paramount Pictures. 1 June 1984.
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 McLimore, Guy W. Jr. et al (Authors). The Klingons: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2002, Second Edition. Based on original material by John M. Ford. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, Dana Knutson, Jeff Laubenstein, and Mitch O'Connell. FASA Corporation. 1987.
- ↑ Menke, Bernard and Rick Stuart (Authors). A Matter of Priorities. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2211. Cover art by David Deitrick. Illustrations by Jane Bigos, Todd Marsh, Dana Knutson, and Mitch O'Connell. FASA Corporation. 1985.
- ↑ Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Bannett, Harve (Producer). Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Directed by Leonard Nimoy. Story by Leonard Nimoy and Harve Bennett. Screenplay by Steve Meerson & Peter Krikes and Harve Bennett & Nicholas Meyer. Paramount Pictures. 26 November 1986.