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Hadley (TOS 13)

Hadley (TOS 13)
Species Human
Sex Male
First Appearance TOS 06 (29 Sep 1966)
Portrayed by Bill Blackburn (Uncredited)

Lieutenant Hadley was a command division lieutenant aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in 2266. When the ship made first contact with the First Federation on Stardate 1512.2, Hadley was thrown from one side of the corridor to the other when the ship escaped from the Fesarius tractor beam.[1] When the crew was overcome by polywater intoxication on Stardate 1704.2, Hadley assisted Lieutenant Commander Scott in rerouting control functions from main engineering.[2] When Captain Kirk was replaced by an android duplicate on Stardate 2712.4, Hadley was near the captain's quarters while delivering a report.[3] Hadley was on duty on the bridge during an ion storm that supposedly took the life of Lieutenant Commander Ben Finney on Stardate 2947.3.[4]

He manned the engineering station when the ship was in orbit of the Amusement Planet on Stardate 3025.3,[5] but he most often manned the navigation console while on bridge duty, including when the Enterprise was investigating the Murasaki 312 quasar-like phenomenon on Stardate 2821.5,[6] when the ship was investigating Beta III on Stardate 3156.2,[7] when the ship was investigating the disappearance of the U.S.S. Valiant near Eminiar VII on Stardate 3192.1,[8] and when the ship discovered the Guardian of Forever on Stardate 3134.0.[9] He was also at navigation when the Enterprise encountered Khan Noonien Singh on Stardate 3141.9, and when Khan briefly seized control of the ship, Hadley was among those on the bridge who were rendered unconscious and forced to watch Khan's attempt to kill Captain Kirk.[10]

When the crew was exposed to mind-controlling spores at Omicron Ceti III on Stardate 3417.3, Hadley was part of a group of the crew in line at the transporter room preparing to beam down while Kirk unsuccessfully admonished all of them to return to their stations.[11]

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Notes and References

  1. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Star Trek, season 1, episode 3 (Production number 02). Directed by James Goldstone. Written by Samuel A. Peeples. Desilu Productions. 22 September 1966.
  2. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The Man Trap". Star Trek, season 1, episode 1 (Production number 06). Directed by Marc Daniels. Written by George Clayton Johnson. Desilu Productions. 8 September 1966.
  3. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Balance of Terror". Star Trek, season 1, episode 14 (Production number 09). Directed by Vincent McEveety. Written by Paul Schneider. Desilu Productions. 15 December 1966.
  4. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The Galileo Seven." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 16 (Production 14). Directed by Robert Gist. Story by Oliver Crawford Teleplay by Oliver Crawford & S. Bar-David. Desilu Productions, 5 January 1967.
  5. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Shore Leave." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 15 (Production 17). Directed by Robert Sparr. Written by Theodore Sturgeon. Desilu Productions, 29 December 1966.
  6. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The Conscience of the King." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 13 (Production 13). Directed by Gerd Oswald. Written by Barry Trivers. Desilu Productions, 8 December 1966.
  7. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The Return of the Archons." Star Trek, Episode 21 (Production 22). Directed by Joseph Pevney. Story by Gene Roddenberry. Teleplay by Boris Sobelman. Desilu Productions, 9 February 1967.
  8. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "A Taste of Armageddon." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 23 (Production 23). Directed by Joseph Pevney. Written by Robert Hamner (Story and Teleplay) and Gene L. Coon (Teleplay). Desilu Productions, 23 February 1967.
  9. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The City on the Edge of Forever." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 28 (Production 28). Directed by Joseph Pevney. Written by Harlan Ellison. Desilu Productions, 6 April 1967.
  10. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "Space Seed." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 22 (Production 24). Directed by Marc Daniels. Written by Carey Wilber (Story and Teleplay) and Gene L. Coon (Teleplay). Desilu Productions, 16 February 1967.
  11. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "This Side of Paradise." Star Trek, Season 1, Episode 24 (Production 25). Directed by Ralph Senensky. Story by Nathan Butler. Teleplay by Nathan Butler & D.C. Fontana. Desilu Productions, 2 March 1967.